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SnomONE and Exchange Server 2010 SP2


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Hello All!


Host 1 Windows Server 2008 EE R2 (Domain Controller)

Host 2 Windows Server 2008 EE R2 (Exchange Server 2010 SP2 roles - No Edge)

Host 3 Windows 7 UE x64 Sp1 (SnomONE 5.03)


2 Extensions created (Tip and Tap)

Tip = 60001 (SnomONE MailBox disabled) ("Call forward all calls to:" Empty, "Call forward calls when busy to:" Empty, "Call forward on

no answer to:" Empty, "Call forward no answer timeout to:" Empty, "Call forward when not registered:" Empty)


Tap 60002 (SnomONE MailBox disabled) ("Call forward all calls to:" Empty, "Call forward calls when busy to:" Empty, "Call forward on no answer to:" Empty, "Call forward no answer timeout to:" Empty, "Call forward when not registered:" Empty)


Tip is online -> a SoftPhone is registered on SnomONE with Tip extension

Tap is not online -> no SoftPhone registered on SnomONE with Tip extension



Tip send a call to Tap (60001 on its smartPhone)

ExchangeUMServer Subscriber Acces (Exchange DialPlan of Tip and Tap) says "Tip" and ask Tip to insert his PIN



Can anyone tell me if and how Tip can leave a voicemail to Tap?



Settings to bypass the SnomONE VoiceMail

Domain Settings / Voicemail section

Mail Escape account(when caller presses 0): empty

Mailbox DirectDial prefix: empty

External Voicemail System: $u



The SnomONE logfile message to Exchange UMServer IP is:


INVITE sip:60001@ExchangeUM-HostName.Domain-Name.local

VIA SIP/2.0/TCP IP:49337 .... ( is SnomONE Host IP)

FROM "Tip" <sip:60002@SnomONE-HostName.Domain-Name.local;user=phone>;tag=42838

TO: "Tap" <sip:60001@SnomONE-HostName.Domain-Name.local;user=phone>

Call-ID a36b7991@pbx



Contact: <sip:60002@;transport=tcp> is IP of SnomONE host



User-Agent: SnomONE/5.0.3



ExchangeUM host - Event-Viewer

Message (Event ID = 1168) :

UnAuthenticatedPilotNumber a36b7991@pbx,ExchangeUM-HostName,xxxx,ExchangeUMServer-DialPlanName, datetime,yyy,



Thanks you


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I think you suggest me to read the appendx C of snomONE-book.pdf manual.

The prerfix must be the pilotnumber of HuntGroup?

Please help me to use SnomOne HuntGroup; how I must configure SnomONE DialPlan to use Huntgroup

Thanks you


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