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Headset Options on PBX?


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Ive got a customer that has recently got a wireless headset (Zabra)


She was complaining that it was not working fully on her phone. She was able to answer calls only if it was in its charger. When it was off the charger and on her head, the calls ring through as though she is on the phone.


I had her test the headset on a different ext and it was working fine.


We re provisioned the 2 extensions and swapped ext numbers so the working Polycom was now the receptionists ext.


The interesting thing is that it is now failing in the same was as it did on the initial phone.


Now, Im pretty sure there are no setting on the PBX that would affect the headsets relationship to the hard phone. But with this new development Im not sure.


Any extension setting that would affect the way a wireless headset answers calls?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not all settings are provisioned. Especially the settings that deal with headset, volume are not part of the templates, they are considered device-local settings that should not be "nuked" when the configuration is loaded again (potentially after every reboot). I guess that is why the phone behaves this way.

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