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Setting Up Seond Domain


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I have not before setup a second domain but am now finding that we need to to segment some other user's with their own billing trunk and logical grouping. I've have the domain setup, the trunk working but am uncertain how to get a POlycom phone to connect to this new domain. I can connect to localhost without a problem. Any help would be appreciated.


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I have not before setup a second domain but am now finding that we need to to segment some other user's with their own billing trunk and logical grouping. I've have the domain setup, the trunk working but am uncertain how to get a POlycom phone to connect to this new domain. I can connect to localhost without a problem. Any help would be appreciated.


There are two important settings. One is the domain name and the other one the outbound proxy. For domain identification, the PBX uses the domain name. The phone uses the outbound proxy for routing purposes. If you keep these two things seperate, it should work fine.


And if you are using plug and play, it should also work fine.

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If I am understanding you correctly, we should;


Setup a DNS name externally and internally called "pbx.domain.com"?

Setup an additional domain in PBXnSIP called the same.

Point DNS for this host at the PBX servers IP.

Try to have the phone authenticate using 350@pbx.domain.com and password?


I'm sorry I've not used anything but the local host domain before.

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If I am understanding you correctly, we should;


Setup a DNS name externally and internally called "pbx.domain.com"?

Setup an additional domain in PBXnSIP called the same.

Point DNS for this host at the PBX servers IP.

Try to have the phone authenticate using 350@pbx.domain.com and password?


I'm sorry I've not used anything but the local host domain before.


It is a significant jump from one domain to multiple domains. You need to be more precise with the naming.


The important part is on the phone:


Outbound proxy: It is not really neccessary to set up DNS for that, you can use the IP address. You can also put the same outbound proxy in different domains, e.g. "pbxserver1.hosting-company.com". But of course, it is much more flexible to use real DNS names for the outbound proxy, for example "client1.hosting-company.com" or "pbx.client1.com". Maybe it is time to look into DNS SRV records.


Domain: There you have to be strict. The domain must string-match the domain name on the PBX. It is the only chance for the PBX to find out where the request should be sent to.


My suggestion is to use the outbound proxy all the time. It makes features like call a missed call from the phone much easier, the phone will not try to bypass the PBX and go direct.


Also, you should not use the name "localhost" any more (unless you want to "catch" requests that are not going to any of the local domains).

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