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Posts posted by chrispopp

  1. I am testing with a Yealink phone. The yealink phone has 5 extensions on it. The pbx has 5 agent groups. 

    Is it possible that one key can be set to connect ALL extensions to ALL agent groups?

    For example: 

    Extensions: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105
    Agent Groups: 201, 202, 203, 204, 205

    When pressing the button: 101 should login into 201, 102 into 202, 103 into 203...
    When pressed again log-off all extensions.


    Any idea?

  2. When I open the provisioning to Yealink T48. it returns a 500 error. I'm thinking this has to do with the certificates, but I don't know which to add. Unless it can be something else...

    [5] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: Prov request: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    [5] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: Prov request: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    [6] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: 1 more requests pending to rps.yealink.com:443[7] 
    2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: DNS A returned[7] 
    2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: Connect to
    9] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: Send requestPOST /xmlrpc HTTP/1.1
    Host: rps.yealink.com:443
    Content-Length: 207
    Authorization: Basic <XYZ>
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Accept-Language: en-us
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; PBX)
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    [9] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: Initialize TLS connection
    [7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: Return code 500[5] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: Prov response: 
    [7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: DNS A returned
    [7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: Connect to
    [9] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: Send requestPOST /xmlrpc HTTP/1.1
    Host: rps.yealink.com:443
    Content-Length: 332
    Authorization: Basic XXZZYY
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Accept-Language: en-us
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; PBX)
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    [9] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: Initialize TLS connection[7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: https:rps.yealink.com:443: Return code 500[5] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: Prov response: [7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: REST: GET rest/system/session[7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: REST: GET rest/domain/self/admin[7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: REST: GET rest/system/session[7] 2017/07/24 16:34:23: REST: GET rest/user/23333%40mark.ssslll.com/log
  3. Trying to modify an xml file from the Customize > Webpages and every time I save an XML file it reverts back to the original. Under global admin, the saving works fine. But when I log-in into a domain, and try to customize a file, it does not save it. It shows under Currently customized templates, but when re-edit it, it always reverts back to defaults. Any idea?

    Tried different browsers, and refreshed the cache too... Nothing.

  4. Playing around with the 58.0 Vodia. I cannot upload any SVG files. I used Adobe Illustrator to save a picture in the SVG format. Save it fine, the checkmark on the web interface also shows the checkmark, but when i refresh, the image is back to the Vodia logo. Is there a specific SVG format the file needs to be saved?


    Edit: Pressing CTRL + F5 to clear the cache works. But the logos seem to small. The file was converted from JPG to SVG. Any other way, to maintain the size ratio? Don't know much about the SVG format...

  5. Problem is that although there might be a backlog, the emails were not being queued at all. The initial emails were sent, then there was a pause, then sent again. The timeframe between the two logs shown nothing much happened (it terms of emails being sent...) I am writing all this to a log file, that's how I'm able to take out the logs above...

    I think something may be causing an issue with the emails not being sent out.

  6. Some users are telling me that they receive their voicemails up to 2 hours after they were left. Checking the logs on the mail server does not show any attempts to it. Checking the logs of the PBX shows that all the voicemails were sent together some after an hour.


    This is the end of the call, timestamp: 20170613094149

    BYE sip:5947@;transport=tls SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK-0y9ucpwuj72i;rport
    From: "Mikey Closer" <sip:5947@pbx.voipvoip2x.com>;tag=7j24tlqgsa
    To: <sip:2222@pbx.voipvoip2x.com;user=phone>;tag=9a496c4278
    Call-ID: 313439373336313233333536313034-qwdpkvnj7xak
    CSeq: 3 BYE
    Max-Forwards: 70
    User-Agent: snomD745/
    Contact: <sip:5947@;transport=Tls;line=nof3hn0x>;reg-id=1
    RTP-RxStat: Total_Rx_Pkts=3865,Rx-Pkts=3865,Rx_Pkts_Lost=6,Remote_Rx_Pkts_Lost=0
    RTP-TxStat: Total_Tx_Pkts=3874,Tx_Pkts=3874,Remote_Tx_Pkts=3874
    Proxy-Require: buttons
    Content-Length: 0

    And this is the SMTP connection at 2017061311194:

    [8] 20170613111945: Send SMTP traffic (122552 bytes)
    Subject:Voicemail from Mikey Closer (5947)
    Date:Tue, 13 Jun 2017 15:19:45 -0000

    I changed the mail server and pbx domain for obvious reasons...


    Is there a limit on a number of emails the system sends out?

  7. Would like to be to provide a list such as the CDR that would display what callers are dialing in the auto attendant. I checked the CDRs provided by the system and they're very useless. They just say what number called the specific IVR and what time. That's it. But would like to know what options or extensions users are dialing. Any way to achieve this?


    For example


    2:57 4844488888 225 5:12mins

    2:59 8494685456 1 15:12mins


    I see the Extension variable but it's empty value.




    This is what I see in the email_ive_cdr.htm

    {ssi header Subject}{lng title} {ssi variable date}{ssi header -1-}{ssi oem banner}{ssi header}{ssi file email_header.htm}
    <p class="header2Text">{lng email_cdr.htm#intro} {ssi variable date}</p>
    <p class="cText">{lng email_cdr.htm#total1}{ssi variable total_calls}{lng email_cdr.htm#total2}{ssi variable total_duration}{lng email_cdr.htm#total3}</p>
    {ssi start inline true}
    <table class="cText" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
      <tr class="header2Text">
        <td>{lng email_cdr.htm#time}</td>
        <td>{lng email_cdr.htm#from}</td>
        <td>{lng email_cdr.htm#to}</td>
        <td>{lng email_cdr.htm#duration}</td>
        <td>{lng dom_accounts.htm#name_ext}</td>
      {ssi variable history}
    {ssi stop inline true}
    {ssi file email_footer.htm}
  8. I'm having a tough time with getting the Snom D745 to work correctly with the latest Vodia 57, and the firmware is


    I have 3 agent groups. In this case 315, 254, 255.


    Create a custom button list for user 207, the phone is provisioned via based provisioning MAC.


    Upon reboot of the phone the buttons do not get synced.

    The buttons do not work. Nothing lights up for BLFs nor Agent Groups. After I go back to the extension button list and click on "Save as Custom" the buttons refresh and start working again for a while.

    The big problem is that it sometimes loses the buttons even without the reboot. I have tried a lot of different firmware and I'm getting the same issue.
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