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Posts posted by tobymac

  1. Hi,


    Update: changing the SIP transport in Bria from automatic to TLS solves the problem. Automatic was defaulting to UDP. Tried manual UDP and TCP but no luck. Doesn't get that proper peer IP.

    Ports are opened fine on the firewall.

    Haven't tried yet the "Outbound proxy pattern" yet. Will try once the Covid-19 craziness settles down.


  2. Hi,

    Just noticed that if I do the IP routing list other SIP apps (my case Bria) stops working. For example in Bria in I go to call statistics  and the Peer IP is

    If I leave the IP routing list empty the app gets the peer IP correctly. 

    We never used the IP routing list before. We started using it because we want to use the Vodia app.

    Any suggestions?


  3. Hi,


    Sorry to barge in but I had this issue before.

    It's not Vodia's fault I'm afraid.

    It's actually the snom firmware. You need to downgrade for now or use this beta: http://downloads.snom.com/fw/ or http://downloads.snom.com/fw/

    Replace the 300 or 821 with your snom model. But be aware it's a BETA.

    There is an issue with switching from headset to handset on this beta and probably some other issues.


  4. Reason I was asking is that we have two clients that we deployed are having issues with the calls going through VoIP.

    Sometimes when they call the other party cannot be heard. They need to call the second time to be able to hear.

    I was trying different settings (changing codecs, following settings on their support page, prioritising QoS on the firewall) but no luck so far.

    Any suggestions? :)

    Thank you.



  5. Sorry to burst in the post.


    Thank you Vodia for this: "We had cases where the CDR directories contained old records with higher sequence numbers (e.g. 102134.xml). The timestamps in the file system will tell you if they are outdated. If that is the case just move them into a separate directory and restart the service."


    Just wanted to post a new topic :)



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