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Vodia PBX

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Posts posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Ok we have made a new version 69.0.2, which should also include a Windows executable. The release notes have also been updated. 

    The front end is brand-new, yes the landing page is a little bit empty right now. We have already some partners filling the space with their own stuff; our plan is to put essentially the ACD stats there for the own extension (we want to fill the space with meaningful information). This would be expected for the next release number, which will be 69.0.4. 

  2. 4 GB RAM should be okay unless you plan to have huge amounts of CDR. In that case it would make sense to go for 8 GB. Also in you are using Windows, I would go for 8 GB anyway as Windows itself tends to be memory hungry. As for the CPU, 2 cores are perfect. However it would be great if the cores are dedicated and not shared with other VM, so that they can be responsive when RTP hits the server and the other VM is not currently trying to mine cryptocurrencies. 

  3. Well, running out of hard drive space is a major problem. We show the available space on the general status web page for a reason. The hard drive does not make a difference between CDR and actual configuration data, e.g. if writing the pbx.xml file fails the system will be in serious trouble after a restart. I would recommend to really make sure enough space is available, plus it is relatively cheap these days anyway.

  4. If it does not connect then the port seems to be closed. You can see that e.g. with netstat. It should obviously not happen. Maybe double check if the pbxctrl has the execute permission and the process is even running? You can always stop the service (e.g. /etc/init.d/pbx stop or just ps auxww|grep pbxctrl and then kill pid) and then start it manually (cd /usr/local/pbx; ./pbxctrl --no-daemon --log 9). Then you should see lots of error messages that should point to the problem.

  5. There seems to be an issue with SIP passwords that we are already investigating. It could be that they are actually not set (that would be a security feature), but obviously we need to have some way of overriding that. We'll definitely address this in 69.0.2.

  6. 1 hour ago, RichardDCG said:

    Can I reapply 68.0.24 via CLI?

    If you have made a file system backup, it is actually very easy to revert to the previous version — just revert the file system. And if you have not made a backup, its a good time to do it now.

    Yes the -old files are there to revert them back if the update fails. But you still need to be careful because there is guarantee that they match. You can use ./pbxctrl --version to find out what the executable version is.

    You can overwrite the pbxctrl (pbxctrl.exe for Windows) and the pbxctrl.dat. Just make sure that the pbxctrl is executable (chmod a+rx pbxctrl). The differences between 68.0.24 and 68.0.26 and very small and there should be no issue switching between those builds. 

  7. Well so far our understanding was that we forward the error code to the calling user-agent. The phone should display an appropriate message, probably on the display or, for example, play a busy tone when the call returned a 486 code. 

    That being said, looking at our own apps, there might be potential for better information to the user. 

  8. As you might have seen in the newsletter, version 69.0.0 is available. It is a release with many new features. This is exciting and makes sure we are keeping up with the many changes that are currently happening in the commutations technology space.

    After the release is before the release. We have already found a couple of smaller glitches in the new front end like from/to mixed up in missed chat message activity logs and we are already making daily builds with the name 69.0.1. Also, it seems that insecure login over HTTP causes problems with the latest Chrome browser which we are addressing.

    Another common problem is that administrators cannot log in because the system management DNS address was set to some bogus address on many servers. Well — its written in the release notes but it seems it is easily overlooked...

    We expect that it will take a few days and weeks until the dust has settled. We are working on making sure that everything is running smooth as soon as possible. If you find anything that should be corrected, please let use know, ideally in the form of a trouble ticket with steps that describe what the problem is and how to reproduce it.

    Underneath, we have made some great improvements that will make the PBX even more rock solid. We are excited about this new release and want to make sure that administrators and users see that we arrived in the year 2023!

  9. With the groups, we could build something around there block calls permission for the other extensions. Alternatively you could make the extension a residential extension and block internal calls, however obviously then the calls must be routed outside of the PBX as PSTN numbers.

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