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Vodia PBX

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Posts posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Well it should not sound metallic. What could be the problem is that there is some transcoding going on, e.g. the call comes in on G.722 and then has to be transcoded into OPUS. Quality never goes up with transcoding. If you can reproduce the problem, please generate a PCAP trace and attach it to a ticket so that we can take a look at it.

  2. Well, there are many {} placeholders scattered for al sorts of uses. We generally try to show them when you turn the log levels up. As for the provisioning part, there is some documentation at https://doc.vodia.com/docs/phone-provisioning-variables that is a good staring point. That being said, if you can, tr to use the general parameters for the templates where ever possible, so that you will get template changes with the next software update. 

  3. We were waiting for Fanvil updates, especially for providing software update firmware links, but we did not get anywhere (frankly) and published the .24 version anyway. But obviously the Fanvil topic is still open. As for LDAP, we have had cases where the PBX was set to return thousands of LDAP results which the phone did not like; but at least the PBX did return search results. Also because older models require ASCII TXT files to configure and the newer ones use XML, there are differences in the LDAP configuration, so it would be good to know what devices and firmware versions we are looking at.

  4. We have released a new version of the app. There are two noteworthy improvements in this version.

    The first one is a better understandable icon. Users now see a handset, and they will understand that this app must have something to do with telephony. 

    The second one is that we added support for the OPUS codec. IMHO that is a huge step, because this does not only mean that internal calls now can enjoy up to 48 kHz high fidelity; it also comes with a much better packet loss concealment which is part of OPUS. G711 is very bad with lost packets, and a lot of user frustration might just come from the stuttering audio when they have less than perfect internet connectivity. I would recommend trying to enable the OPUS codec on the PBX if you are on 68.0.20 or later, this should be a new experience for the iOS users.

  5. The concept of a central routing resource was there since version 1 and I believe it was a good idea. It helps a lot to give the service flags understandable names like "Office hours" or "Extended office hours". 

    What might be a good idea for one of the next versions would be an "inline" editing of those service flags e.g. inside the settings for the auto attendant, so that there is no need to juggle between the flag settings and the auto attendant. 

  6. On 10/4/2022 at 4:49 AM, jacksonjk said:

    I think SMSala is best sms provider as compared to Twillio.

    website url: www.smsala.com

    You might be able to use SMSALA with the simple GET method already, as well as inbound SMS messages (see https://doc.vodia.com/docs/admin-messages). On their documentation site its not clear if they support MMS as well — if yes it might make sense to add them to the dropdown.

  7. On 9/23/2022 at 12:11 PM, SeanK said:

    Any idea of when the api page will be updated with all the functions?

    We do have some ideas in mind to take this to another level. For now, the main thing is to get the requests authenticated and then watch what the web front end is doing to get things done through the REST API. But I agree a proper documentation of all relevant functions would be more desirable. The current API web page sets high expectations but falls short delivering them.

  8. The provisioning is based on the MAC address, and that works well for VoIP phones. For DECT, there is another identifier (the IMEI if I am correct) which is 12-digit hex code. Because we still need the MAC for the base station provisioning, the DECT handset ID was placed into the general purpose parameter, that is a "hack" — although just a small one. 

  9. Well most of the users get their FAX through email, so the new status is not that important for them... That would explain why the pressure was bearable on this so far. Plus there is no way to know if they have received and opened their email, so the "new" status is kind of useless. But it looks like we need to mark the message as read when someone downloads it from the front end. 

  10. Well in the later versions you can always use service flags inverted or not inverted. This is because the original idea was to define something like "office hours" and redirect when a call was out of the office hours. However there are other occasions when you e.g. want to call a cell phone during office hours, thus the need to invert.

    As for the queues, because it is a digital system, ultimately there is no such thing as erratic behavior, though it might be hard to understand for the humans. What is currently a thing that makes it harder to understand how the PBX includes agents is because the system does that in steps, which are done every so-and-so seconds (there is a setting for that). If a Tim was specified that falls between those times, then there is no action until the next step is happening. That can be very confusing, especially if you lets say schedule each stage for example every 60 seconds. We do have the plan to rewrite that, but as of now, that's not done yet. Until then our recommendation is to keep the stage duration reasonable short and turn logging up for better understanding why decisions are made in the queue. 

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