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Vodia PBX

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Posts posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Is there a way for me to change the format of the date in the email header so that the spam filter will allow the messages to go through? I'll include some of the threads that have been exchanged.


    :blush: Of course that is a bug. I am surprised noone else complained about it yet. Will be fixed in Thanks for the detailed description, that made it very easy to fix it.

  2. I have tried this and it is working but not user-friendly to enable.

    To activate you have to do a lot of codes on the dect phone, it seems not possible to activate hot desking from the snom 320 (programmed button) to the dect phone, am I right about that?


    Most of the old pbx boxes know a "Follow Me" code, or as I thought within the PBXNSIP software the "Forward All" setting.

    But "Forward All" does not forward all the calls, is that possible to create?


    And about my 2nd question: Is it possible to create a setting so that the last agent is unable to logout?

    This is to prevent that callers are waiting in the queue and there are no agents listening....


    Forward all is essentially hot desking. Okay, at the moment it is not very convenient to use this through a star code. We have to think about how to make it easier, ideally with one speed dial button. So I believe the functionality is there, but the front end can be improved.


    Last agent cannot logout? We could have a setting in the agent group that says "have at least xxx agents in the queue" and that would affect the ability to dynamically remove an agent from the queue. And we could just remove the star code for setting the availability flag for the agent.

  3. Can you give me a quick hint?

    Do I need to setup the "Explicitly specify park orbit preference" on the extension settings?

    Or is this new setting not yet available in the current beta


    Oh, it did not make it into the Please go ahead an try

  4. We are also not happy with the situation with the hang-up detection. We want to avoid to get into this messy area or this country does it this way and the other country that way. This will be an endless, frustrating setup nightmare.


    We'll probably remove the hangup tone detection from the PSTN gateway and pull it into the PBX (just like DTMF tone detection). Then we can check if the PBX is actually connected to an extension and if that is the case let the user decide when to hang up or not. Otherwise when connected to an auto attendant, ACD or a IVR node, the PBX will aggressively hang up as soon as there is a tone that could be a disconnect tone (or even no input for some time). I believe that will solve a lot of problems.

  5. Yeah, but then I need to set the night flag for the whole agent group and some of the assistants are still on their spot, only one is going mobile. And we are using the night flag already for the normal "night" modus.

    Isn't it possible to get the forward-all aslo working for calls to that extension coming thru the agent-group?


    Another question about Agent Groups:

    Is it possible to prevent that all users can logout?

    We need to be sure that at least one agent is logged in the group so callers will be answered.

    Could that be an extra Agent Group setting?

    We have a helpdesk where not always all the agents are paying enough attention and sometimes by accident (?) are all logged out.


    Well, the other thing is hot desking. She can use hot desking to get the calls to the DECT device...

  6. I am kinda dissapointed I just spent $1200 on a piece of hardware, and I cannot even get proper technical support for the couple of problems I've experienced, except vague answers and no solutions, and if I wanted to open a support ticket, I have to pay $150 on top of that.


    FXO is analog stuff. It is very difficult to troubleshoot this. We have had cases where the CO was reading out "the call has been disconnected. Please hang up." Now how do we support this? Having the auto attendant hang up the line is a reasonable solution to to clear the line.

  7. I have exactly the same problem and I have been trying to see if there is a fix for this. My box is running as well. I am located in Singapore. As long as I hang up the call on the incoming side after the auto attendant directed me to the extension and not pick up the destination sip phone. The line will remain open for a long period time and only a power cycle can clear the call. I hope someone have a fix for this.


    Short term workaround for the AA is to define a "Hangup Timeout".

  8. I have tried that but it is not possible to turn it off while the dect phone is placed into the charger.


    Isn't it possible to do a forwarding also for the calls coming for the agent group?

    I expected that the forward-all would do this, but it is forwarding all calls except the calls for the agent-group on that extension.


    Oh, maybe a service flag can help here. If you put it on manual mode the assistant can change the status of the flag and then calls get redirected to the "night" destination. In this case, night would be the DECT phone.

  9. Yes, it would be very nice if I could define groups and when you use *87 to pickup a ringing call within the defined group this pickup goes before ringing calls out off the group. Do you think that this is possible to create?


    Done. See the annoucement about the 3.1 beta release.

  10. After turning of UPNP on the router all has been well. It seemed the intermittent problem was when upnp did a scan every 30 minutes. I changed the scan time to a shorter interval and the problem increased.


    Whow. That is great input for other installations. We have to put this on the check list for trouble.

  11. they have a shred connection for data but they have 30 mb downl and 5mb upload....they had an asterisk system before pbxnsip and claim to have never had call quality issues like this...could it be possibly that i need to compress the packets? would that help? if yes then how would i do it? the system is setup with the latest verison of the software...any advise would be appreciated.


    Yea the bandwidth looks okay. I would say it is worth trying a quick PCAP trace if you have SSH access to the box. If that is not possible or does not show what the problem is I would check the PC option.

  12. i am trying to join all the phones to the domain address book...an dnow that i think of it this logically makes sense because all the phones are setup to connect to the personal address book so what string do i put in for it to access the domain address book?


    You still need to use the user's individual hash - all users share the address book of the domain. :unsure: not sure what the problem is here. Maybe just import the address book again (through CSV), maybe some during an upgrade something went wrong.

  13. hi there i am using google apps mail service to send all mails with pbxnsip.


    most of the part this works pretty well. but sometimes its stuck in a loop where it repots in the logs that the connection got refused but the mail was sent. so i end up getting hundres of messages ;(


    platform: mac os x 10.5.5

    Version: (Darwin)

    smtp server config in domain: smtp.gmail.com:587


    Yea, we found that one already. The workaround for time being is to use another email server. Not sure if we have a MacOS build ready right now.

  14. i have my phones setup with PNP but the address book wont show...it only shows the list of local extensions.


    what do i need to change in the string for it to work?


    Well, I just tried with the personal address book of the extension and that did work as expected... Not sure what the problem could be here. Or are you using the domain address book?

  15. please can someone advise what my options are?


    Option zero is to apply the latest software. I guess that has been done already.


    Well, one option is to move the setup to a PC-based solution. Just save the config and restore it on the other system. This is a short-term measure to make sure the customer is happy. If you have a PSTN gateway that you can use, and the call quality is still bad, well then there is a problem with the line.


    Of course the second step is to ask why the quality is bad with the CS410. What does the CPU load say on the web interface? Is there a QoS-problem in the setup (shared data/voice internet connection)? The CS410 has tcpdump locally on the system, this way you can get a PCAP trace to see what is going on.


    We had a case where a web browser was constantly requesting web pages from the CS410 in a DoS style. After moving the port away from port 80/443 the traffic was much less and the box was working fine again.

  16. Is my conclusion correct that it is not working when I put extensions together in a hunt group for picking up a ringing call within that group or is it a bug? It doesn't matter if I am part of the hunt group, with the pickup it takes the first ringing call.

    I have an office with two floors, so I want to configure the first floor into one pickup group and a pickup group for the second floor.


    Hmm. Good use case. At the moment I have no good answer... Looks we have to add a setting that lists the preferred pickup accounts.

  17. That is definetly and interesting spin .. so is this something that we are just stuck with as it seems incorrect if I specifiy a ANI it should just use that and not try to outsmart the input .. right?


    Well, what we need at a certian point is a transformation rule for the trunk. Because different service providers have different ways of presenting a phone number we might need a setting for that. For example, one provider would like to see <sip:+19787562777@...>, the next one <sip:19787562777@...>, and the next one <sip:9787562777@...>, and the next one <sip:0019787562777@...>. Internally we decided to use only the + form, as this is the only global common denominator.

  18. Is there someone who knows how to solve the following situation:


    I have 4 secretaries within my company who are responsible for the incoming calls.

    The 4 phones (snom 320) are logged in a Agent Group.

    Sometimes one of the secretaries needs to be mobile within the building so I have one snom dect phone standing on that department.


    I have programmed a button on the 4 snom phones to forward all calls to the dect phone and also one button to cancel the forwarding.

    So if the secretary goes mobile she needs to press one button and all the calls will go to the dect phone.

    This is working for normal calls directly to her extension but not for calls coming from the Agent Group, they are not forwarded.


    Another option is to login and logout the dect phone into that Agent Group, but the phone doesn't have programmable buttons so it is not very user-friendly.


    What about just turning the DECT phone on and off? Like a hardcore DND?

  19. I have tried this but it is not working like I expected.

    To test this I have created a hunt group and added extensions 905 906 and 907 to it.

    Then I have created a call from extension 900 to extension 901 without picking up and directly after that I have created a call from extension 902 to extension 905. I thought that if I use *87 (pickup) from extension 906 that would get me connected with extension 902.....but it gives me the first ringing call, extension 900.

    What is going wrong?


    Ehhh... Scratching my head a little bit. At least I think we can conclude this thing is not very intuitive.

  20. Is this broken? I cant for the life of me get the system to NOT call me on the weekends.


    I remember testing this some time ago and then it was okay. See if you get calls during the week! There was a problem with the interpretation when the PBX should do the call. From a users perspective, both ways of looking at it are reasonable.

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