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Vodia PBX

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Posts posted by Vodia PBX

  1. 1. First, you need to subscribe to dialog state. Through http that is difficult, but if you can do a SIP SUBSCRIBE that should be easy. Just put a contact like "Contact: <>" there.


    Through HTTP is a little bit difficult at this time, you would have to do this trough SOAP. However, we will quickly add a type field to the web request, so that a regular http post can do the job (in the registrations tab, there is something at the bottom that adds a registration).


    If you just want to test it, just create a static registration without a type, and edit the XML record in the file system. After that, you need to restart the service though to read the change.


    2. The notifications then are walking out as http post requests to the provided location. They contain the same body as the SIP NOTIFY in a SIP SUBSCRIBE dialog would do.

  2. Well, so far the answer is dialog state. There are a couple of phones that support this standard and that kind of works, for example subscribing to the dialog state of CO-lines.


    But it is not such a good answer if you want to have something on your PC. We are thinking about AJAX, or maybe Flash or just running a native Windows application.

  3. The call list is just another table in the PBX. So in theory, you could read that table using SOAP. But I am not sure if that is a pragmatic way to go.




    1. Register a dummy user-agent and subscribe for the dialog information.


    2. 2.1 will introduce "buttons", which are instant messages that carry call information. You still need to use SIP for that, but it is much easier than dialog information.


    3. You can also subscribe for dialog information using HTTP. Then the PBX will push that out via a HTTP request.


    Everything not very appealing...

  4. Last week we upgraded to 2.0.3 Build 1707 (Win32).


    Why There is which is the last release and this image likely fixed that DoS issue (I remember that intermediate build had a problem).


    There is a global setting called "max_udp_invite" which defaults to 10. If you have more than 10 new calls per second, you might need to increase that value.

  5. Well, the firmware files that you get for the Polycom phones. It is a little bit difficult to get, you need to talk to your reseller if you want to go the official way. But I think it is also possible to find it on the Internet.

  6. Well, it is allowed. The IETF's opinion about music on hold is that the music comes from another server, and that server uses a different SSRC, timestamp and packet number.


    But it seems to be a challenge for compability of some devices. Maybe we have to make it possible that these parameters do not change and avoid the problems.

  7. Well, usually you should get a call waiting if the caller is also part of the paging group. There are some phones that audomatically put a call on hold once that they receive an INVITE with an auto-answer request (which is IMHO very problematic, think about you most important customer on the phone and someone paging).


    If you have such a phone, try setting the "lines" parameter in the registration and set it to "1". Then the PBX will not call that extension.

  8. Okay, what about this:


    The PBX keeps a list of the agents. Everytime that an agent picks up the phone that agents moves back to the list:


    Initial: 1 2 3 4 5


    Call 1: ring 1, ring 2, ring 3, 3 picks up -> 1 2 4 5 3


    Call 2: ring 1, ring 2, ring 4, 2 picks up -> 1 4 5 3 2


    Call 3: ring 1, ring 4, 1 picks up -> 4 5 3 2 1


    And so on? That should be easy to implement.

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