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Microsoft Teams Call Flow


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I recently watched your video on the Microsoft Teams integration and i just had a quick question about the inbound portion of the video.

It's possible to assign the DID's to an extension and that'll ring on the MS Teams/ Desktop application, but my question is how does the PBX handle calls to an auto-attendant on MS Teams?

The video and documentation wasn't very specific about these functionalities and i was just curious how far the integration goes.


Thank you!

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Yes I found that portion, but what it does not answer is if the auto-attendant has to be mapped *only* on the PBX or can the users utilize their own MS Teams Auto-Attendant.

That's the part I wanted to confirm because looking at the MS Teams interface they do have an "Auto Attendant" page but i assume that since MS Teams does not have internal accounts like the PBX there wouldn't be a way to direct the calls to it.

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