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Calling ext. in other domains

Mads Mortensen

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I am lost???


The background information is that domains are "mobile" in 3.0. Think about a server farm where you have 1000 domains, running on 100 servers, where you want to be able to move a domain from one server to another.


In this setup, you would use trunks from one domain to another, probably involving DNS to locate the other server.

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The background information is that domains are "mobile" in 3.0. Think about a server farm where you have 1000 domains, running on 100 servers, where you want to be able to move a domain from one server to another.


In this setup, you would use trunks from one domain to another, probably involving DNS to locate the other server.



I am so sorry to say.

I simply do not understand!!

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I am so sorry to say.

I simply do not understand!!


I assume you were talking about calling into another domain using a name with "tel:" in the beginning. The "tel:" has been replaced with a "+" now and it really represents a global phone number.


What is your use-case? What are you doing when you are calling into another domain? Maybe there is a simple workaround in version 3.

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I assume you were talking about calling into another domain using a name with "tel:" in the beginning. The "tel:" has been replaced with a "+" now and it really represents a global phone number.


What is your use-case? What are you doing when you are calling into another domain? Maybe there is a simple workaround in version 3.



do I need to use "+" instead for "tel:" ??


My case is:


number 12345678 in domain "XX" is trying to call 87654321 in domain "YY" on the same server.

That is no longer possible

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do I need to use "+" instead for "tel:" ??


My case is:


number 12345678 in domain "XX" is trying to call 87654321 in domain "YY" on the same server.

That is no longer possible


The concept here is that the domains represent individual organizations and they have to reach each other via the trunks. So you can create a trunk on each domain and point them to each other. With a simple dial plan that uses this trunk to route the call to the other domain will solve the problem. (you may have to set "Accept Redirect" flag to "yes" on the trunks)

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The concept here is that the domains represent individual organizations and they have to reach each other via the trunks. So you can create a trunk on each domain and point them to each other. With a simple dial plan that uses this trunk to route the call to the other domain will solve the problem. (you may have to set "Accept Redirect" flag to "yes" on the trunks)



I hate to say it.

I simply do not get it????

I do not understand - How can it be so complicated to allow users to call each other.


From what you are saying, if I have server with 50 domains, I need to create 50 trunks in each domain?????

Today we have a trunk in each domain, that goes to a sip server.

But the problem is, that PBXnSIP do not even allow the calls to be routed out of this trunk.


I think this is a big issue, and I do not understand how to make it work

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This will not work without some sort of routing proxy.


Before the PBX would route the call to the ‘global’ extension locally if it existed else, it would send it out to the dial plan.


Your suggestion may answer the routeing of the call to a trunk (calls must come in on a global trunk to map with a global number), but it doesn’t work like that. How does any dial plan know if a number exists on 1 server or server 2? This is the problem. Your suggestion means a trunk for each and every domain and a pattern matching string for each and every telephone number


Why did this functionality get changed? It maybe a local security issues and the ISP should be responsible for sorting that out, but as far as I am concermed you have rendered my system un-usable.


I look forward to an answer ASAP, as I have complaining customers on my hands

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This will not work without some sort of routing proxy.


Before the PBX would route the call to the 'global' extension locally if it existed else, it would send it out to the dial plan.


Your suggestion may answer the routeing of the call to a trunk (calls must come in on a global trunk to map with a global number), but it doesn't work like that. How does any dial plan know if a number exists on 1 server or server 2? This is the problem. Your suggestion means a trunk for each and every domain and a pattern matching string for each and every telephone number


Why did this functionality get changed? It maybe a local security issues and the ISP should be responsible for sorting that out, but as far as I am concermed you have rendered my system un-usable.


I look forward to an answer ASAP, as I have complaining customers on my hands


A routing proxy can help, but you don't need it. You can also use a trunk; failover can be used to continue processing the dial plan when the number is not local.


The original idea of drilling a shortcut was flawed; think about only about the CDR. In which domain will you see the CDR? Stuff like that. We made the mistake to listen to a customer who did not care much about any other problems than solving just his specifc problem.


I guess we have to come up with an example TAR configuration that demonstrates how to set up multiple domains that can call each other without external proxy.

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