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Counterpath Soft Phone - Domain Address Book?


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I use the Eye Beam Counterpath soft phone with PBXNSIP version I'd like the ability to have the soft phone pull the domain address book from the PBX. I've read some documentation from the soft phone and it says that is supports something like this, but VOIP is not my strong suit, so here I am. I have copied the part of the manual below from the soft phone. Thanks in advance for the help.




Using Remote Storage

A contacts list can be stored remotely for retrieval using XCap or WebDAV. The contacts list must be formatted

for the chosen protocol. Specify the remote location on the Accounts Storage tab; see “Account Properties –

Storage” on page 51.

Each time eyeBeam is started, the contacts list is retrieved from the remote storage. Each time a contact is added

to the contacts list, it is immediately copied to remote storage.



Account Properties – Storage

These settings let you set up a storage system for your contact list: either a local one or a remote one (WebDAV

or XCAP).

The tab only appears for the current default account: see below for an explanation.

How Storage Works for a Single Account

If you have only one account, all three storage methods are supported and easily managed.

How Storage Works for Multiple Accounts

If you have multiple accounts, the local storage method is supported and easily managed.

However, if you are thinking of setting up remote storage, keep the following in mind: When you add a contact

(either manually or through a new contact notification), the contact is stored at the remote storage location for

the current default account. Keep in mind that this account may not allow the new contact’s availability to be

watched (for an explanation see “Account Properties – Presence” on page 49). In addition, when you switch

default accounts, the list of contacts displayed on the Contacts tab switches from the old default account to the

new default account.

Table 12: Account Properties – Storage

Field Description

Storage method The storage method to be used for the Contacts list file and the presence rules.

The file can be stored locally or on a remote computer.

• Local

• WebDAV


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I use the Eye Beam Counterpath soft phone with PBXNSIP version I'd like the ability to have the soft phone pull the domain address book from the PBX. I've read some documentation from the soft phone and it says that is supports something like this, but VOIP is not my strong suit, so here I am. I have copied the part of the manual below from the soft phone. Thanks in advance for the help.


Whow, we don't support that yet but it looks interesting. Do you have a pointer to the documentation?

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