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Recommended Default Service Flags


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Seems many of us are confused on the functionality and use of service flags. I've read almost every post, every WIKI and it seems we are all working from Scratch as we try and satisfy client needs.


we plan to develop a default setup that meets a wide variety of SMB needs...and based on what I've read and the recommendations posted this should be easily accomplished. (assuming that PBXnSIP is now license by the extension count and not generic accounts that burn when you use them)


A typical small business may or may not have a PC so please don't recommend making someone a domain admin, everything I outline below needs to be from a phone (and it would be nice to dial in for some features)



1. Every System needs a Manual Flag for OPEN and/or Closed

By this I mean in each service flag for that might exist in an automated attendent the business owner can decide at anytime to be open, closed by having a designated extension dial a manual service flag..


I think this might mean that we would preceed any scheduled service flag with these manual flags and designated automated attendants.


for example


AA #70 normal Business Hours Greeting (Scheduled)

AA #71 Normal After Hours Greeting (scheduled)

AA #72 Closed (scheduled as in Holidays)

AA #73 Closed (unscheduled Snow Storm)

AA #74 Lunch Hour (Scheduled)


Scheduled Service Flags

SF #80 used for normal business hours

SF #81 Lunch hour

SF #82 Holidays

SF #83 Business is closed


Manual Service Flags

MF #90 Open

MF #91 Closed

SF #92 Unscheduled Greeting Manual Flag


My undertanding is if you define a time range for a scheduled service flag, then the service flag will be unset during designated hours? Right


the following is the plan.

SF #80 is scheduled M-F 8:00-12:00 12:30p-5:00p

SF #81 is scheduled M-F 12:01p-12:29p

SF #82 is scheduled 00:00-23:59 on designated holidays

SF #83 is scheduled M-F 12:01-7:59 5:01p-11:59p


I'm think the goal is to make every greeting a scheduled time.... This way in the service flag field we preceed the desired AA greeting with all other Service Flags, both manual and scheduled so that the business can make changes by dialing the appropriate Manual Flag and recording a greeting as needed in the unscheduled AA if needed.


The Normal AA#70 greeting would watch all other service flags, and the manual flags would be listed first and the correct AA be listed in the service account...Sending all calls to the main AA would then spawn Holiday, Lunch, unscheduled closures, lunch etc....


Am I off my rocker on this, or made this way to complex? Not month goes by, that we don't get a email request telling us they are going to be open or closed later or earlier and asking us to flip the switch.... (The caller is normally not well informed or knowledgable) or could be a temp, etc...


Dialing a manual service flag from a designated extension to be open later seems a whole lot easier....


there was once talk of resetting manual service flags at Midnight?



Creating a proven setup to accomplish this would go a long way to answering the many posts...



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I tend to agree...


I would vote to keep the flags in a certain range, for example 80-89. If we have a "regular office hours", most installers will be able to change the office hours based on the (reasonable) proposal. Then we can have another service flag for "holidays", and also one or two manual service flags.


I hope this plan is not being crossed by the license key. Some homework to do...

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I hope this plan is not being crossed by the license key. Some homework to do...



Attention PBXnSIP Sales;


I recall seeing, reading or dreaming that PBXnSIP was moving or had moved to licensing extensions and somewhat abandoning the account limitations. Except for Recording, maybe agent groups etc the professional releases.


Is this true?


If so, for clients with previous license heys that would normally exchaust the accounts if we move to create this more flexible AA and Service flag based plan, how might we apply, obtain, beg borrow or buy a replacement license to increase these service accounts while not expanding our extension accounts?


A post of PM is welcome..



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The continuing Service Flag Saga.

In an attempt to build Service Flags that go set when a desired action IE.

Mon-Wed-Fri 12:01-7:59 5:00p-11:59p (defines the open hours from 8:00a to 5:00pm) this flag should be set

on Tues-Thurs-Sat-Sun 12:01-11:59pm (keeps the flag not set during these periods


We are not getting the results we are expecting to see the flag go set on Mon-Wed-Fri during 8:00 to 5:00

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Attention PBXnSIP Sales;


I recall seeing, reading or dreaming that PBXnSIP was moving or had moved to licensing extensions and somewhat abandoning the account limitations. Except for Recording, maybe agent groups etc the professional releases.


Is this true?


If so, for clients with previous license heys that would normally exchaust the accounts if we move to create this more flexible AA and Service flag based plan, how might we apply, obtain, beg borrow or buy a replacement license to increase these service accounts while not expanding our extension accounts?


A post of PM is welcome..






I think i remember a post a while ago that said: "if you ask sales nicely they will take care of you."

That might apply here too? ;-)



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I think i remember a post a while ago that said: "if you ask sales nicely they will take care of you."

That might apply here too? ;-)


Indeed that does work, but I feel like the car salesman taking each deal to the manager for approval. An official policy or process will go a long way. Cheers,

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Indeed that does work, but I feel like the car salesman taking each deal to the manager for approval. An official policy or process will go a long way. Cheers,


We already put a "USA 9-5 with holidays", "Canada 9-5 with holidays" and some others into the new template for the PBX on head (version 4). Future generations will be able to enjoy that!


We have the "template" download category on the web page. Maybe a good opportunity to put more templates there...

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