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PBXnSIP - Failover


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Is there a way where we can configure the PBXnsIP servers (mulitples servers in different data center) to set it as failover using the global DNS preference option. Like... (example)


aa.com is the domain name.

Two servers PBXnSIP servers are installed in two different data center and regular DB sync with the IP address ( and


For some reasons if the first server goes down, the second server becomes the available server, where the SIP account/extensions gets registered to second server IP with the preference level set.


aa.com ---> ---> Preference 10

aa.com ---> ------> Preference 20


Is this setup is possible with PBXnSIP, as well is there any one is running with this setup.


Thanks and Regards,


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the problem i see is HTTP not working once the new one takes over

also another issue would be routing incoming calls to the new server, unless you register your trunk and not just a sip gateway

also, do the phone actually get provisioned with DNS SRV enabled if you provision the phones using HTTP?


the setup we use is the 2nd server actually takes the IP off the first server, but both servers are in the same data center

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