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Ringtones.xml issue

Allstate Computers

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Hi All,


I've gotten the ringtones.xml file mostly working. The only problem I have now is that I have 12 ring tones, and only 6 labels. See attached screenshot of the Ring Melody: field under in one of our hunt groups. Below is my ringtones.xml file:


 <tone name="custom1">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 1</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring1.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom2">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 2</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring2.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom3">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 3</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring3.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom4">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 4</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring4.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom5">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 5</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring5.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom6">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 6</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring6.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom7">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 7</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring7.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom8">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 8</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring8.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom9">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 9</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ring9.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="custom10">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Custom 10</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/ringading.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="internal" type="internal">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">Internal</vendor>
   <vendor type="alert-info"><http://www.allstatetelecom.com/ringtones/internal1.wav></vendor>
 <tone name="external" type="external">
   <vendor ua="Snom.*" type="alert-info">External</vendor>
 <tone name="intercom" type="intercom">
   <vendor ua="Polycom.*" type="alert-info">Auto Answer</vendor>
   <vendor ua="Cisco-CP79.*">auto-answer=0</vendor>
   <vendor type="call-info"><{from-uri}>;answer-after=0</vendor>


Does anyone have a complete definitions and syntax for the ringtones.xml file?


Thanks in advance for your assistance.




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The names in the ringtones.xml file must have translations. These translations are in a global dictionary, which you probably don't want to change. I thing we must add something so that the blanks are filled with a name from the ringtones.xml file, even if there is no translation available.


So is there anything I can do in the interim? This is a hosted system and we're trying to make additional custom ringtones available to our clients, but it doesn't look very professional if half of them come up blank.

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