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DTMF not working


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  • 2 weeks later...
Can you give us a PCAP?


I have identified the problem without beiing able to solve it.


Version is doing something on DTMF signaliing with Mediatrix 1204 v5 (all) making the DTMF to other PBX not understanding DTMF for AA. The only setting that work but ONLY with another PBXnSIP will be :

voiciIfDtmfTransport : outOfBandUsignRtp


This will not work with other pbx ...



So if you PBXnSIP is usign Madiatrix 1204 v5 (all) stay away from PBXnSIP for now. I found no possible ways of getting it respecting all confirmity and Interoperabilities with mediatrix products.


PBXNSIP version is working fine in conjonctions of Mediatrix 1204

voiciIfDtmfTransport : inBand


I learned that in the very hard way...


Mediatrix frimware version: 1204 V5.0.27.222 SIP MIB



PBX support... what would you need, what can I provide you to get this fixed...

PCAP but How and what?


many thanks

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