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snom mobile softphone?


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Q: Will there be a software that can be loaded to wifi cellphones which facilitates snomone features? In other words, turn the cell into an extension for snomone?


A: At the moment there is not a snom branded mobile softphone. Take a look at counterpath's Bria products: http://www.counterpath.com/products.html. Note that in free, yellow and blue you may need to used snom star code for transfer. In the new snom Green this is not the case.


Also note that snom has a free client for iPhone for settings, presence and some misc items. This is not a softphone.

screen shots: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/2009/11/pbxnsip-attendant-console-to-get-new.html


I am the first one to say this should be improved. ;-) so here:



or maybe specifically:




Maybe snom can weigh in if a softphone is on the roadmap?

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remember that a softphone showing up on macstore, androidstore or windowsphone7 store is marketing for snom/snomONE brand. I know another company that is getting marketshare/mindshare with this plan. Divert some marketing dollars to it--unconventional, but attention getting.


even though i'm personally routing for winphone7, i think android probably the one to focus on first.


Or...pick some free one you like and allow the useragent.


You have my go ahead on this project. (chuckle)

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