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Mailbox Settings > Files

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This setting is to upload your personal greetings, you will have the ability to choose them when you call into your mailbox, you can also recorded them when you call into the PM as well. Option 4 will have you recorded your greeting and Option 9 will be have you choose them.


This setting is to upload your personal greetings, you will have the ability to choose them when you call into your mailbox, you can also recorded them when you call into the PM as well. Option 4 will have you recorded your greeting and Option 9 will be have you choose them.



Thanks for replying. The thing is that after I upload them, they are not given as options when calling PM and pressing 9. Also, there is no confirmation that they are actually uploaded and so far I haven't found them on the file system.


Which version of PBX software are you using? If you are using & later, you should see the selected greeting file(s) on the web interface itself.

Then when you are in the mailbox main menu and press 9, it should play out something like "For - <Messge1>, press 0, For - <Message2> press 1 etc"


In the new version (beta will be released this week), we have made some improvements to the web interface too. In that version you can see/play/select a specific greeting from the web interface itself.


Which version of PBX software are you using? If you are using & later, you should see the selected greeting file(s) on the web interface itself.

Then when you are in the mailbox main menu and press 9, it should play out something like "For - <Messge1>, press 0, For - <Message2> press 1 etc"


In the new version (beta will be released this week), we have made some improvements to the web interface too. In that version you can see/play/select a specific greeting from the web interface itself.


Nope, after I upload them I'm not given those choices in PM.


Hmm... We tested it here on Win32/snomONE and it seems to work fine. What are you using as the OS there?




I'm using it on CentOS Amazon AMI, x32. Your screenshot is different than mine; is that from the beta you mentioned earlier?

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