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pbxnsip plugin for Apple Addres book for anyone interested

Wim van Ommen

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I made an Apple Address Book Plugin for dialing with the pbxnsip server software,

basicaly it instructs Safari to go to the dialing URL.


it can be downloaded from http://download.topit.nl/Download/pbxnsip-...Addressbook.zip


there is a do not read me ;-) included with enought info to get it running.


The most important info in there is:


It's important to put the username and password for the Webpage in the keychain else it will not work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi wim,


nice here is mine, it does some more things.

we should merge it and make the best script out there....

  • removes bad characters
  • stores login info into the os keychain and uses that (unfortunately show if the keychain has a lot of entries)
  • uses a curl instead of safari

see script for more info



go here to get the most recent version


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