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Web Server: File theme.css not found while updating


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When attempting to update a snom One Plus from v 2011- Coma Berenicids (CentOS32) to v by setting the update URL to http://snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/centos32/pbxctrl-centos32- in accordance with the instructions at http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Updates the update fails. The log includes:

[1] 20130709203103: Performing software upgrade based on http://snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/centos32/pbxctrl-centos32- [5] 20130709203108: Web Server: File theme.css not found [5] 20130709203114: Last message repeated 2 times [1] 20130709203114: Software update finished. If there were no errors, changes will be completed after the snom ONE restart

The update does not complete. If anyone has encountered this and resolved it I'd appreciate a prod in the right direction.



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Thanks for your suggestion, I really do appreciate it.

I did just try it and get a similar error message back which seems to suggest a missing CSS file on the server again:

[1] 20130710061946: Performing software upgrade based on http://snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/version-4.5.1.xml
[3] 20130710061947: Software update: Removing file pbxctrl-old
[1] 20130710061947: Cannot remove file pbxctrl-old
[3] 20130710061947: Software update: Sending request for file http://snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/centos32/pbxctrl-centos32-
[5] 20130710061949: Web Server: File theme.css not found
[5] 20130710062005: Last message repeated 2 times
[5] 20130710062005: Succesfully changed the permission for file pbxctrl
[3] 20130710062005: Software update: Sending request for file http://snomone.com/downloads/snomONE/audio/audio_moh/bi_ced.wav
[5] 20130710062005: The type is not executable for file audio_moh/bi_ced.wav
[1] 20130710062005: Software update finished. If there were no errors, changes will be completed after the snom ONE restart
The update did not complete upon reboot.
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You probably have an older version where the name of the executable was still snomONEctrl or something like that. You need to log in on SSH level and then edit the /etc/init.d/snomone file; there you find the executable name. Change it to pbxctrl and you should be good to go. Reboot the system to make sure that the service automatically starts e.g. after a power loss.

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I can SSH into the server and log in as superadmin. I cannot edit the snomONE file while the service is running and cannot stop the service using "service snomONE stop".

I receive an error: rm: cannot remove 'var/run/snomONE.pid': Permission denied[FAILED]


The only solution I have seen reported is to log into the session as root; however,, I understand the root password for the Snom One Plus appliance is not published.


Do you have another suggestion?


thanks again!

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