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Syntax for dev / MoH


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What is the Syntax for the device? I'm using Windows Visa Business... Thanks for the help...


Parameter Function Example page Defines the port where to listen for RTP traffic. If specified, it binds the socket to the provided address. 5000 moh Defines where to send the MoH stream. If the destination contains only the port number, the destination is the loopback device. 6000 log Sets the log level. Valid levels are 0–9. 5 dev Sets the audio device. ??? priority Defines whether the process should run at high priority or not. True


multicast Joins a multicast address. ptime Specifies the packet length in ms. Multiples of 10 dtmf Defines what codec to use for out-of-band DTMF. map Sets the codec mapping. The argument is a list that maps the codec number to codec names. l16, ulaw, alaw,

gsm, g722, and g726

codec Specifies the codec that should be used for sending. The parameter is the name of the codec. ulaw ipv4 Use only IPv4. True ipv6 Use only IPv6. False


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Uhhh Ohhh yes, Windows Vista I think :) ... I want to stream a Web station, if possible I put the stream link as dev, otherwise I start VLC and use the audio-out and route it back to the audio-in.


but what is the Syntax for the audio in jack? or yes sure if the app can handle a direct stream like:




this will we also be great...

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I think this is not working for MP3 streaming, I mean if the stream is in MP3 format, VLC can not transcode it to the needed CCCIT u-Law format( have not found a codec...and some other problems) . but yes I can rip 1 or 2 hrs of webradio, get it to the right format and then stream that file with VLC...


or do you or anyone else have got this to work with MP3-Streaming direct?

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ahh yes it works, here are some line of "code" for the next one... took me some time to test and I think it is working...


start VLC from CMD and input these lines:

For Radio Paradise, on port 4200

% vlc -vvv http://stream-tx1.radioparadise.com:9048 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=s16l,ab=128,channels=1,samplerate=8000,}:rtp{dst=,port=4200,ttl=1} :sout-keep
For Radio Secret Agent, on port 4201

% vlc -vvv http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.pls?id=65239 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=s16l,ab=128,channels=1,samplerate=8000}:rtp{dst=,port=4201,ttl=1} :sout-keep

this will open the vlc player and start streaming the audio to the ports, you can replace dst= to your localhost on dst=


and it is possible to have more than one vlc stream, just add another port. one thing i could not configure is the volume of the output, its to loud at the moment, maybe someone knows how....


if you want to start the stream on system startup you can put a link to the autorun folder.

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