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Make multiple soap calls faster


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// Functions that allow reading of the DB interface of the PBX

// Default values

$dbadr = PBX_ADDRESS; //PBX Server Address

$dbport = PBX_PORT; // PBX Web Port

// Temporary variables for the PHP xml parser







function parseHeaders($headers, &$response_code = null, &$response_message = null){

$lines = explode("\r\n", $headers);

$return = array();

$response = array_shift($lines);

if (func_num_args() > 1) {

list($proto, $code, $message) = explode(' ', $response, 3);

$response_code = $code;

if (func_num_args() > 2) {

$response_message = $message;



foreach($lines as $header) {

if (trim($header) == '') continue;

list($name, $value) = explode(':', $header, 2);

$return[strtolower(trim($name))] = trim($value);


return $return;


function readResponseHeaders($sock, &$response_code, &$response_status){

$headers = '';

$read = 0;

while (true) {

$headers .= fread($sock, 1);

$read += 1;

if ($read >= 4 && $headers[$read - 1] == "\n" && substr($headers, -4) == "\r\n\r\n") {




$headers = parseHeaders($headers, $resp, $msg);

$response_code = $resp;

$response_status = $msg;

return $headers;


function readResponseBody($sock, array $headers){

$contentLength = (isset($headers['content-length'])) ? $headers['content-length'] : -1;

$body = '';

if ($contentLength >= 0) {

$read = 0;

do {

$buf = fread($sock, $contentLength - $read);

$read += strlen($buf);

$body .= $buf;

} while ($read < $contentLength);


return $body;


// Helper function

function pbx_xml_envelope( $action, $req ) {

$r = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>';

$r .= "\r\n";

$r .= '<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sns="http://www.pbxnsip.com/soap/pbx"><env:Body>';

$r .= "<sns:$action>";

$r .= $req;

$r .= "</sns:$action></env:Body></env:Envelope>";

return $r;


// Another helper function, Escape necessary XML characters

function pbx_xml_encode( $t ) {

$t = preg_replace('/\'/', "'", $t);

$t = preg_replace('/"/', "\"", $t);

// $t = preg_replace('/&/', "&", $t);

// $t = preg_replace("<", "<", $t);

// $t = preg_replace(">", ">", $t);

return $t;


// The main exection function, functions pbx_search(), pbx_get(), pbx_set() and pbx_index() use this function to carry out the SOAP command

function pbx_soap( $req ) {

global $dbadr, $dbport, $dbdebug, $debug_tbl, $dbhandle;

if ( $dbhandle == NULL ) {

$dbhandle = fsockopen($dbadr, $dbport, $errno, $errstr);

if (!$dbhandle) {

if($dbdebug) {

echo "<font color=red>$errstr ($errno)</font><br>\n";


return false;



$request = "POST /soap.xml HTTP/1.1\r\n";

$request .= "Content-Type: application/xml\r\n";

$request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n";

$request .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";

$request .= $req;

fputs($dbhandle, $request);

$headers = readResponseHeaders($dbhandle, $resp, $msg);

$body = readResponseBody($dbhandle, $headers);

// socket is closed when the PHP process ends

// fclose($dbhandle);

return $body;


// XML parser helper function provided by the PHP Zend engine

function pbx_start_element( $parser, $name, $attrs ) {

global $dbparse, $dbdebug, $debug_tbl;

if($dbdebug) {

echo "Start $dbparse $name<br>";


if($dbparse == "" && strstr($name, ':') == ":ENVELOPE") {

$dbparse = "Envelope";


else if($dbparse == "Envelope" && strstr($name, ':') == ":BODY") {

$dbparse = "Body";


else if($dbparse == "Body" && strstr($name, ':') == ":DBGETRESPONSE") {

$dbparse = "DBGetResponse";


else if($dbparse == "Body" && strstr($name, ':') == ":DBSEARCHRESPONSE") {

$dbparse = "DBSearchResponse";


else if($dbparse == "DBGetResponse" && $name == "COLUMN") {

$dbparse = "Column";


else if($dbparse == "DBSearchResponse" && $name == "INDEX") {

$dbparse = "Index";


else if($dbparse == "Column" && $name == "NAME") {

$dbparse = "Name";


else if($dbparse == "Column" && $name == "VALUE") {

$dbparse = "Value";

$dbvalue = "";


else if($dbparse == "Search" && $name == "INDEX") {

$dbparse = "Index";

$dbvalue = "";



// another XML parser helper function provided by the PHP Zend engine

function pbx_end_element( $parser, $name ) {

global $dbparse, $dbname, $dbvalue, $dbresult, $dbdebug, $debug_tbl;

if($dbdebug) {

echo "End $dbparse $name<br>";


if($dbparse == "Envelope") {

$dbparse = "";


else if($dbparse == "Body") {

$dbparse = "Envelope";


else if($dbparse == "DBGetResponse") {

$dbparse = "Body";


else if($dbparse == "DBSearchResponse") {

$dbparse = "Body";


else if($dbparse == "Column") {

if($dbdebug) {

echo "<B>Set $dbname=$dbvalue</B><br>";


$dbresult[$dbname] = $dbvalue;

$dbparse = "DBGetResponse";

$dbname = null;

$dbvalue = null;


else if($dbparse == "Index") {

if($dbdebug) {

echo "Set $dbvalue<br>";


$dbresult[$dbvalue] = $dbvalue;

$dbparse = "DBSearchResponse";

$dbvalue = null;


else if($dbparse == "Name") {

$dbparse = "Column";


else if($dbparse == "Value") {

$dbparse = "Column";


else if($dbparse == "Index") {

$dbparse = "Search";



// Yet another XML parser helper function provided by the PHP Zend engine

function pbx_xml_data( $parser, $data ) {

global $dbparse, $dbname, $dbvalue, $dbdebug, $debug_tbl;

if($dbdebug) {

echo "Data $dbparse $data<br>";


if($dbparse == "Name") {

$dbname = $data;


else if($dbparse == "Value") {

$dbvalue .= htmlentities($data);


else if($dbparse == "Index") {

$dbvalue .= htmlentities($data);




* Get a row of the table:

* This is one of the "getter" function that uses the pbx_soap() function.

* The "$columns" parameter is a basic array where the array value is the column name.


function pbx_get( $table, $row, $columns, &$result ) {

global $dbresult, $dbparse, $dbname, $dbvalue;

$dbparse = "";

$dbname = "";

$dbvalue = "";

// Create a request:

$req = "<Table>$table</Table>";

$req .= "<Index>$row</Index>";

foreach($columns as $col) $req .= "<Column><Name>$col</Name></Column>";

$content = pbx_soap( pbx_xml_envelope("DBGet", $req) );


* PHP will expect the following codes, however you may take advantage of the newest functionality provided by PHP. For more information and functionality, please visit http://us.php.net/soap


$dbresult = array();

$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();

xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "pbx_start_element", "pbx_end_element");

xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "pbx_xml_data");

if( !xml_parse($xml_parser, $content, true) ) {

die(sprintf("Get XML error parsing %s: %s at line %d",






$result = $dbresult;



* Set a row of the table:

* This is one of another "getter" function that uses the pbx_soap() function.

* The "$args" parameter is an ASSOCIATIVE array where the array key is is the name of the

* column and the array value is the column value. Some programming and/or web scripting

* language do not support this. If the case you can not use an associative array, ther solution

* is to use TWO (2) arrays with equal length, one being the column name and the other being the

* column value. This issue was encountered and solved when trying to migrate from PHP code to

* Visual Basic .NET platform. Other programming/scripting language may need extra procedures to * provide this functionality.


function pbx_set($table, $row, $args ) {

global $dbresult, $dbparse, $dbname, $dbvalue;

$dbparse = "";

$dbname = "";

$dbvalue = "";

// Create a request:

$req = "<Table>$table</Table>";

$req .= "<Index>$row</Index>";

if(count($args) > 0) {

foreach($args as $col => $val) {

$req .= "<Column><Name>$col</Name><Value>" . pbx_xml_encode($val) . "</Value></Column>";



$content = pbx_soap(pbx_xml_envelope("DBSet", $req));

return $content;


// Search all matching entries of a table:

function pbx_search($table, $max, $skip, $back, $args, &$result) {

global $dbresult, $dbparse, $dbname, $dbvalue;

$dbparse = "";

$dbname = "";

$dbvalue = "";

// Create a request:

$req = "<Table>$table</Table>";

if($skip > 0) $req .= "<Skip>$skip</Skip>";

if($back) $req .= "<Back>true</Back>";

$req .= "<Max>$max</Max>";

if(count($args) > 0) {

foreach($args as $col => $val) {

$req .= "<Column><Name>$col</Name><Value>" . pbx_xml_encode($val) . "</Value></Column>";



$content = pbx_soap(pbx_xml_envelope("DBSearch", $req) );

$dbresult = array();

$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();

xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "pbx_start_element", "pbx_end_element");

xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "pbx_xml_data");

if( !xml_parse($xml_parser, $content, true)) {

if( xml_get_error_code($xml_parser) == XML_ERROR_NO_ELEMENTS ) {

global $dbadr, $dbport;

echo "<FONT COLOR=RED>Error: $dbadr:$dbport may be invalid, please check.</FONT><BR>";


die(sprintf("Search XML error parsing %s: %s at line %d",






$result = $dbresult;



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