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Call history disappeared


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Hi Friends,


I have a cloud based SnomOne server and its running on CentOS operating system. its running with out any issue since last two years. but currently i have a issues. Please help me to resolve this issue, Issue details given below

I can't get my call history in "call log" option. but i got all other information like active call list, log files etc. I didn't do any changes on my server but issue occurred suddenly. How can i resolve this issue ?

server version 5.2.3 (CentOS64) CDR Records: O=6860, T=6908, E=634, I=7053 Calls: total: 785/244 (1828 min) current: 0/0 SIP packet statistics: Tx: 579776 Rx: 579932 Emails: Successful sent:63 Unsuccessful attempts:0 Available file system space: 83% Uptime: 2d 21:21:38 Memory=110439K Number of HTTP sessions: 1 (5 requests) Domain Statistics:



Please help me to resolve this issue

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Thanks for your reply. Let me know where i can find out this settings ? and its works without any issues since last 2 years and the issue occurred suddenly, without any configuration changes. And also i can't get any call log (call history) even last call so please help me

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Friends,


Default CDR listing size: "100"

Keep CDR Duration (smhd): "30d".


But still no details on this call log page "server_ip/reg_callog.htm"


its only shows 3 weeks back details. from that date there is no update on this page. please help me to solve this

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