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  1. hosted

    obi ATA

    Vodia, have you looked into what it would take to PNP an obi ATA?
  2. Im trying to import a 30M backup file (lots of recordings). and every browser locks up.
  3. hosted

    RTP music

  4. hosted

    RTP music

    should an RTP stream from http://easyonhold.com work?
  5. text links are white for me, with a white banner.
  6. add one more setting above 8 hours also. like 10 reason being we have a couple customers who stay logged into a dialer through their PBX. good reason to have it per domain. dialer/call center company long calls normal office 2 hour limit.
  7. yea, this would be a nice feature. I send the request!
  8. hosted


    so I see "Agents of group 304" which looks like the same information an agent gets?
  9. hosted


    now that 5.2.1 is out, how do you display the wallboard?
  10. is there a way to reset a voicemail so when the next user enters the voicemail it will walk them through the setup?
  11. asterisk has its own API, that is different from snomone.
  12. someone compatible with receiving the SOAP CDR..
  13. Are there any external call accounting systems?
  14. hosted


    you guys rock!
  15. how can i limit what trunk providers i want in the pre-populated list..?
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