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  1. Same here. Vodia needs a dedicated QA dev, to just write tests and do some manual tests.
  2. please small releases. on production version. if we can add the fanvil w611 to this new build. small frequent builds on productions is important.
  3. Password should be required. Even if it’s just with basic auth.
  4. But does it quietly store locally and s3?
  5. they ussually login to the phone, just like the computer at the station. they need to login to use it. there is no Guest user on the machines. I get what you are saying. why dont u make a regular seat, and assign that that phone with two identities, one with hotdesk and one with regular user, assign one line key for the regular user and the other for hotdesk? use the same regular user for all the hotdesks.
  6. well we dont have it in v68, it should be fine for the time being. eventually users will understand, i dont want to be the instructor with passkeys. so how do we get started with recordings in the cloud? for the time being, can we store it locally and S3, until we know its working.
  7. Also real estate office use this type of setup. Where most agent don’t come in to the office. But when they do. They can use the phone.
  8. Can an admin disable it on the system or tenant level? Or is the checkbox just for users.
  9. Zabbix automatically graphs things for you too. for example this is current calls. over 30 days I use zabbix to monitor everything, all my client Modems and routers, servers, websites. I manage a lot of pharmcies i monitor all the fridge temps. its really flexible.
  10. ya i have alraedy made a template, i check /rest/system/status /rest/system/config?name=license return "". maybe you meant /rest/system/license? my next move would be to make a discovery tempalte. based on: /rest/system/domaininfo currently when i make a new tenant i add them manually to zabbix to monitor the hostname, and ports and ssl cert. but if i make a discovery template i can have zabbix auto add the tenants to zabbix automatically.
  11. thats why its better to just script it and have the script run on start.
  12. Yea. I have Zabbix to monitors Vodia PBX and the server. I check for SSL fingerprint change when for expire date. I everytime I update the PBX. That’s exactly what happens.
  13. V69.0.5 every time I update to new build. We get a new cert. Is this the expected behavior?
  14. or just script something to login for you.
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