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Vodia Telephone System

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Posts posted by Vodia Telephone System

  1. Yes it is done in the user portal under ACD's.


    If you copy the usr_index.js from your browser to a file of the same name in the html folder of the pbx, then that file will be used for the user portal instead of the built in one. So that you can make changes to that file and observe.


    The acd related functions explain how we present data.


    Specifically how the information is obtained from the pbx with calls like:


    // All ACD information, for individual ACDs

    var acds = getRest("/rest/user/" + encodeURIComponent(session.cuser + "@" + session.cdomain) + "/wallboard");


    // A single ACD information, for individual agents

    var acd = getRest("/rest/user/" + encodeURIComponent(session.cuser + "@" + session.cdomain) + "/wallboard/" + encodeURIComponent(groups));


    Where REST is used to make the request. The user is a particular extension and domain is the domain in which the ACDs reside.


    Make sure this extension is logged in and is the queue manager. To make an extension a queue, you to set the setting "Queue manager" with the extension(s) that you want to be queue manager. The setting is found in the ACD main settings.

  2. It means:


    More button types are supported for Grandstream now, like Line, BLF, Speed Dial, Intercom, Voice Mail, LDAP Search etc.

    Different types of button sections in different models can now be programmed.


    The detail for the different button mapping and more is given in the updated buttons documentation:





  3. We added it recently and therefore have not yet added it in the documentation. It is basically only for Yealink phones. When Yealink does a call pickup on a BLF, it needs a star code to use, which goes in this field.


    Also in the button type drop down you will see a prefix as well. That is for Yealink too but for a different purpose. In that case the value you give it in parameter is what Yealink shows on the screen pressed and any other button or dialing after that is added to that prefix as a short cut.

  4. Actually we integrated WAC in the page itself so when you say you can see the status of each phone (by the way that includes controlling the supported phones for pickup, hold, transfer etc.) that entity is WAC. Now when you login from a desktop, you see that and also are able to change settings of the extension. But when you login from a mobile you can only see the WAC functionality (or presence etc.), and also the WebRTP phone but you can't make extension changes right now. But we will change that soon (it's under testing), where we have changed the user portal completely and you will able to do the same on the mobile phone as you can on desktop right now.


    I hope it cleared it up for you a bit.

  5. You mean the WAC on the mobile phone? Actually we will be changing the user portal completely which will allow users not only to use WAC but also access all other main settings as well. It is in the testing phase and once done will be released.

  6. In the mean time what you can do is override some functionality of our JS files by putting a copy of the file by the same name in the the html folder. The pbx will then use the javascript file instead where you can make changes. Changes like posting the results of active calls to any server (since POST allows cross origins).


    This should help you for now.



  7. That is because it is not https. For app there is no way around it but a valid certificate. For the chrome browser however, it gives you the option to use https but skip the certificate part. One you have logged in with https, you can make calls.

  8. Hmmm the app should not be doing that. I just tested and it works here. The URL is resolvable I assume. Don't use https, only http will work until the certificate problem is resolved.


    From the chrome you can use the https and using the advanced feature accept going to the page without a certificate. Once you are able to login, everything should work? What is it that doesn't work once you are able to login as https (without cert)?



  9. You are talking about the vodia app?

    Can you be more specific which part of it is not working? Or does it simply not come up?


    For the WebRTC calls https is needed now by chrome or webview but unfortunately if you don't have the certificate for the PBX the webview does not give you the option to enter anyway without certificate like the desktop chrome does. Long story short, we are trying to find a way how to provide people with the required certificate so they can use https and therefore WebRTC.



  10. Well it works here. I just tested it again. Are you sure its not the problem of connection and not WebRTC. What number are you calling, trunk or a local extension? Are you able to connect your normal phone with that number where it works?

  11. Please use only chrome for these testing so we can be on the same page.


    What version of the PBX are you using? We have done some changes because the browsers had changed something and it is important that those changes are in. I would recommend the latest.

    Also make sure to use https and not http as chrome has stopped WebRTC for http only.


    I hope it helps.

  12. Hi,


    The problem is that grandstream does not give the field numbers in sequence when the model changes and more keys are added. Having numbers as fields is strange anyway but that's how they have done it. So after the key 396, the next probably will not be starting with 397. I have tried to find out where the next sequence for the next 6 buttons should start but they don't make it easy. Maybe we will have to extract config from a phone. Once the next starting number is found then they would probably be in sequence for the 6 keys, e.g. if it starts with say 412, then it would be 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417. If you have model and can find that out, that would be your number in case you are in a hurry. We will of course be trying to find it and include it after testing.


    I hope it helps.



  13. Well as you may seen in the CDR documentation found here:




    • You can write to a file the cdr folder on your server. Now giving access to that file and folder through http (on another port than the pbx http) or ftp from that server is up to you.
    • Unfortunately not at this point. That part has to be managed by the receiving server as to what is new. But if you going to store the CDRs on a separate server, it would be a good idea to have them deleted automatically the PBX after a certain time to keep them short like for 7 days or so or even daily.
    • Well you will have to know the login and password of the admin as that is necessary to login and get the sessionid before you are able to use the sessionid in the method I mentioned above for cdr retrieval.
    • I am not sure what you are asking for here but in general it is up to you how to want to store the CDR's. Whether as files, as a database, as files in database. As you can see in the link above, we provide all kinds of CDR delivery depending on what kind of server the user wants to use, including mongoDB. You can also use webcdr (or json, jsons) to deliver the cdr that can be put in an SQL database. A very simple PHP example of which has been provided on the link given above, which is a very simple one and just to show how it can be done. You can implement it any way you want.


    I hope that helps.



  14. There are two commands there:


    Get CDR count:






    Get CDR records:




    The first one helps you determine how many there are.

    With the second one you can ask for any range. You can ask for all of them with length equal to the full count you got.


    I hope it helps.

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