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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. If you are using shared lines (SLA) the phone seizes a specific trunk, and the call will be only on that trunk. It is "glued" to the trunk then.
  2. Fax is not easy if you transmit the data over the public Internet. Because Fax is a modem, when you loose a single RTP packet, the fax transmission is over. That is why they invented T.38 (unfortunately it also solves only a part of the problem, thats why people move to https-based fax). First of all, your service provider msut support it; and then the connected device. Many people just use a ATA, with that it kind of stable works (e.g. AudioCodes ATA even support HTTPS Fax). There is also fax to email software available, but this is usually not so cheap. Modern Fax devices even support fax to email, the cheapest route might be to get a ATA then connect it over the cable with a 200 USD printer that support fax to email.
  3. That is possible in 4.5. But you need to get a special upgrade key; depending on what you bought in pbxnsip times that might come at no or very little cost. The link was updated.
  4. I am looking at some old posts in the forum about Zoiper... (http://forum.snomone.com/index.php?/topic/2256-fax-help/). It seems that Zoiper does not detect the fax tone in the regular RTP stream, so that yes the PBX will redirect the call to Zoiper when it detects fax in the media stream, but then Zoiper does not detect it and just sits there. The post is already a few years old, maybe Zoiper in the meantime has an option to detect the CNG tone; if not I am afraid Zoiper will not be the solution to your problem.
  5. It does not make a different if you install pbxnsip or snom ONE, the stuff on the Linux side is the same (see http://kiwi.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Installing_in_Linux#Debian). There is no argument "install" that the PBX executable accepts, you need to set up the daemon files in Linux if you want to start the PBX executable automatically. I would consider moving to snom ONE, you can get your pbxnsip key replaced with a snom ONE key; then you can benebit from the latest versions.
  6. I believe that was done already?
  7. Backup, backup, backup... snom ONE macht es wirklich einfach: Einfach working directory copy & paste.
  8. What about the daily emails for the domain?
  9. Well, there is a BYE message in the trace and obviously a lot of RTP audio (non-T.38) with a service provider on public IP. The interesting part would have been the beginning of the call, where the PBX tries to send a Re-INVITE with the T.38 stuff in the SDP. Can you trya again and record from the begining?
  10. Hmm. Vielleicht können wir uns hier mal die Settings für die Leitung ansehen. Ist das Outbound Proxy richtig gesetzt? Kommt das 404 Not Found vom Gateway?
  11. That means that the passwords and PIN codes dont comply with the security policy. For example, the user might have a safe password but a trivial PIN like 1234. Be sure to choose safe passwords and PIN, so that outside people for example cannot listen to voicemail messages from users.
  12. Das riecht nach einem Problem mit G.729A. Da dieser Codec lizensiert werden muss, ist er z.B. nicht Bestandteil von snom ONE free. Ich würde auf der Leitung zum ISDN-Gateway erst mal alle Codecs zulassen.
  13. There is also a star code for this, in case that the phone does not support local conference mixing (usually *53). From the cell phone, you can also put calls on hold using ## and then listen to the IVR to conference all calls on hold in.
  14. The snom ONE mini has it built-in into the web interface. For PC, you have to install Wireshark first.
  15. Well the LOG shows only the registration data... If you can, try to grab a PCAP trace to see if the Re-INVITE is okay and the media is changed to T.38 payload type. If you upload it into the forum we can take a look from here.
  16. Beim Thema FAX müssen beide Seiten - das ATA und das PSTN Gateway - T.38 ordentlich implementiert haben. Grundsätzlich sind beide Geräte recht ordentlich und es sollte eigentlich klappen. Statt seitenlanger LOG würde ich einfach mal ein PCAP Trace hochladen, da dürfte man alles sehen was relevant ist.
  17. It seems that the PBX does detect the "F" (CNG) tone. How is your auto attendant set up? Do you have a direct destination with the pattern "F"? Then it should redirect the call to Zoipter and the T.38 magic may begin.
  18. I dont think that snom ONE was ever certified for OCS... neither for Lync. There are several gateways certified for Lync, maybe you should take first a look at these.
  19. The upgrade should be 95 % smooth. You'll probably have to check your SIP trunk header settings when upgrading to 4.5, but the rest of the config data should be okay. You can try this off-hours (rainy weekend is perfect for that) by (1) make a backup of the working directory of the PBX and (2) replacing the rexecutable with the 4.5 image. This would be also an excellent possibility to move from 32 bit to 64 bit, if your operating system is 64 bit. If it goes well, you can keep it that way and enjoy the latest features. If not, well then you can just restore the backup and continue with 3.4, and work on a transition plan to eventually move to 4.5.
  20. Can you check if you have dangling calls? Maybe there is a problem detecting that a call got disconnected and you have those calls in the call list.
  21. Ich würde das Gespräch einfach parken und dann wieder vom anderen Gerät aufnehmen (*85 und *86).
  22. I dont think it is a problem with the certificate, the server obviously does not accept the security parameters that the PBX is proposing. Check if you have enabled RC4 on the gateway.
  23. Version 3 does not support automatic listing of malicious addresses. I would suggest upgrading to version 4.
  24. Warum nicht einfach auf 4.5 upgraden?
  25. Es gab neulich eine Diskussion ob das 3CX Soft Phone mit snom ONE funktioniert. Wir haben gesehen, dass das funktioniert, aber uns nicht um die Details gekümmert. Es könnte sein, dass 3CX inzwischen das Softphone so optimiert hat, dass es eigentlich nur mit 3CX funktioniert; da es kostenlos ist gibt es für 3CX verständlicherweise kaum ein Interesse dass es mit anderen PBX, z.B. snom ONE funktioniert. Im die Frage letztliche beantworten zu können würde ich ein Wireshark/PCAP Trace machen. Dort kann man dann sehen was auf Netzwerk-Ebene los ist. Die Alternative ist Bria von Counterpath, damit funktioniert es wohl problemlos.
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