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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Well, if you replaced the file (and rebooted the system, and also tried root/nosoup4u) you should be in a "good shape". The only thing I can think of now is that someone made it impossible to login with passwords, and only accepts certificates.
  2. Right now that is not possible, the LDAP server in the PBX is not really a LDAP server, just a front end to the internal database. We would have to add that possibility on the PBX side.
  3. In dem HTML file wird im wesentlichen die eigentlich Datei usr_core_feature_codes nachgeladen. Aber das ist alles nicht der Punkt. Wir werden einfach mal im Labor testen ob irgendwas mit *52 kaputt gegangen ist.
  4. Actually that should be relatively simple. You can select "domain ANI" from the drop-down in the trunk settings for the from-header. Or if you just want to leave out the display-name, then you can use something like "MyCompany" {ext-uri} (include the quotes and the {} stuff) next to the "other" dropdown field. Ouch. Yes, that makes the case very understandable...
  5. We added meaning to the snom ONE mini lights (not sure how they are mapped on the SoHo). Power = power, Ethernet = Ethernet, Registered = all registration trunks are registered, Calls = the PBX is in a call.
  6. For that you need a special license. The snom ONE sales team can help you out there. But be warned--the support is still "basic".
  7. Ist denn *52 bei den Domain Settings eingetragen (dom_feature_codes.htm, Move current call to cellphone)? Kann eine andere Nebenstelle dein Handy mit *00188 anrufen?
  8. First of all, if you can read shadow (without the dash behind it), make sure that you store it somewhere--just in case. I attached the shadow file that you can use to overwrite the file.It has the default password snomONE (or was it nosoup4u). Please rename it to shadow, the txt ending is just to make the forum software take it. shadow.txt
  9. What did you put into the trunk setting "Send call to extension"? There is a wiki page on this topic, http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Routing_a_Call_to_the_Proper_Extension. Does that page help you?
  10. Ich würde nicht die Replacement List nehmen, sondern lieber die IP Routing List. Dort kann man dann, getrennt von Leerreichen, die Routing-Tabelle des Betriebssystems "überschreiben", mit Netzmaske. Über die Netzmaske kann man eine Regel erstellen, so dass intern die private Adresse dargestellt wird und dann nach aussen (Netzmaske die öffentliche Adresse, http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Server_Behind_NAT ist hier immer noch der Klassiker, unter http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=SIP_Ports gibt es noch mehr Infos.
  11. I think the 601 is much older than the 430, maybe that device does not have enough flash memory for an address book (just guessing)
  12. I dont think that is possible on those phones, but am not the expert here...
  13. Hmm. Can you read and write /etc/shadow? Then you could overwrite it and solve the problem this way.
  14. Das Gespräch muss erst gehalten werden, dann mann man *52 wählen. Normalerweise legt man das auf eine Funktionstaste, die macht das dann alles automatisch.
  15. Ich würde auf jeden Fall mal ein PCAP auf dem Interface machen welches die öffentliche IP hat. Vielleicht geht das Paket gar nicht erst raus, oder es kommt tatsächlich ein ICMP zurück. Falls das Paket nicht rausgeht, würde ich (bei Windows) die Personal Firewall verdächtigen oder die Routing-Tabelle nochmal überprüfen. Wenn ein ICMP zurückkommt, würde ich nochmal überprüfen, ob nicht doch irgendwo eine SIP-aware Firewall dazwischen funkt.
  16. I think you need to enable TFTP write on the PBX. That does solve the problem with the saving of the directory; however be warned that this opens a HUGE security leak on your system.
  17. So when I see that right, we can use the program called "dialer.exe" (this is on my Windows 7 PC with Lync) for testing purposes. The old TSP was using a UDP-based subscription with the PBX to perform its magic, but today it might be a good idea to change that to CSTA (then we dont have to change anything on the PBX). This way we can even encrypt the traffic, which will make it a good choice if the PBX is running in the cloud/hosted.
  18. Well unfortunately almost every service provider reads the SIP standard differently, especially when it is more than just registering a soft phone. That's why we broke up with the 4.3 model with a few drop-downs and instead made it possible to tailor the snom ONE SIP trunk to hopefully every service provider. The 4.3 drop-downs are still available in in the web interface as drop down menus. At least they are good staring points for optimization, e.g. changing the display-name. I am totally with you; it is unsatisfactory to leave so much fiddling to customers. We thought about providing longer drop-downs with different service providers. But there must be hundreds of them if not thousands, and they are constantly changing. This is not something that you want to include in a software release.
  19. The link to that file is what you feed into 4.5 and then it pulls down the right image by itself. Regarding password guessing, root/snomONE or root/nosoup4u are the predefined passwords. If those don't work, are you sure you did not change them? I am not aware about a "backdoor" where we could help you getting into the system if you changed the password, except the JTAG adapter. snom ONE mini has a reset button, which you can press two times within three seconds to factory-reset the device. But snom ONE SoHo does not have this.
  20. Another well-known passwords is "nosoup4u". Once you are on 4.5 and the executable name is "pbxctrl" (make sure that change is also in /etc/init.d), life should be a lot easier in the future.
  21. From version 4.5 onwards, there are planty of possibilities to set the headers for outbound calls. See http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Trunk_Custom_Headers for more information.
  22. In 4.3, there was no JavaScript on the trunk settings page for the headers; it was a simple drop down. In 4.5, there is a JavaScript behind the drop-down that fills in the headers in the 4.3 style, so that you (in theory) dont have to look up the Wiki page. You can as well forget about JavaScript and straigt go to the header settings, and fill in the templates from the Wiki.
  23. The defaults are still available as JavaScript select input fields; you can then select "other" and see what content has been put into the fields.
  24. You probably have to review the headers that are being set by the trunk, see http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Trunk_Custom_Headers.
  25. You can mix IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as much as you like and as many as you like. For example, you can have one LAN interface, another one on a VLAN and have another public (routable) IP address, and mix that with one or more VPN (e.g. to other offices). This is a powerful feature of the PBX that many other products don't have. The important part is to set the routing up properly. That means the operating system needs to know on which interface and from what IP address it needs to send packets to a specific destination. NAT and workarounds like STUN and DynDNS are a very expensive solution in SIP; not because it cost so much to get a cheap router; but because of the time and frustration to get it working beyond the 95 % realiability point.
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