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Everything posted by mskenderian

  1. I am on .26, and i am stil getting these notifications. was it not included in .26 This is what the logs show. [8] 7:40:25.279 Accept connection from blacklisted address for 1000 msⓘ
  2. https://api.vodia.com/ its missing a lot of info, has not been updated in a while, but it will help while developing. also WireShark is your friend.
  3. First thing. I would go to system level notifications email, and click on the send test email button. see if they works. If not try changing the email address for the main admin to something else see if that works. if not turn up logging for email and try again report back logs
  4. is there a ssi variable to get hostname or hostname plus img direction pbx.domain.com OR pbx.domain.com/img/ i tried these, but it outputs nothing. {ssi htmvar imglink} {ssi htmvar imglinkdesk}
  5. Client has 6 users, provisioned manually. It has been working fine. Until I added the 7th extension to the ring group. extension to extension dialing is fine. Inbound outbound is fine. But inbound to ring group or extension to ring group causes problems. The phones ring, but when they try to pick up nothing happens or sometimes it will take 10 seconds for media to be sent or heard. if I remove the 7th extension it works fine. I have other clients with more extensions in ring group and it works fine. But this one seems to be an issue. It’s a locked ISP router, I can’t check any settings. They are attempting to get the password. any suggestions on how we can solve this issue?
  6. I believe that metallic sound was fixed. I had the same issue. Christian fixed it end of September.
  7. I figured it out, i changed ani to use global_ani which will add +1 in front of the number basically E.164 format
  8. Anyone setup plivo trunk? I am getting a prefix error.
  9. Seems like a good feature. You posted this in the wrong category.
  10. ok so i checked from Tenant/Settings/Upload Audio. and u can listen to it, and if you call the DID the Auto Attendent will play the file just fine also. I found another bug, yesterday for another tenant i make a Auto Attendant, i upload a file. this also works when you call the number. but system level upload audio, does not list the file. and Tenant/Settings/Upload Audio does not list the file either. but if i go to tenant auto attendant and listen from there it works.
  11. I checked from ftp, and The file is there. And it is being used for an auto attendant. It works fine. I will check from web gui domain level. I think we can listen to it from there
  12. In the system level. customize -> Upload Audio, when i try to listen to a file that is for a domain. i cant play it. looking at the dev tools we get a 404 NOT FOUND. this is what the logs show. [9] 23:41:48.763 Request from XXXXX:13144 for /audio.wav?type=audio&id=undefinedⓘ GET /audio.wav?type=audio&id=undefined HTTP/1.1 Host: XXXX.xom Connection: keep-alive sec-ch-ua: "Not?A_Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="108", "Google Chrome";v="108" Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1, *;q=0 sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows" Accept: */* Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors Sec-Fetch-Dest: audio Referer: https:/xxxxx.com/reg_audiofiles.htm Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9 Cookie: session=123 Range: bytes=0- [8] 23:41:48.763 Web Server: File audio.wav not found (xxxxxx:13144)ⓘ [9] 23:41:48.763 Return error 404 Not Foundⓘ
  13. i think so, i send the config file to hamlet. it basically similiar to other grandstream phones, except the 1610/1615 only has two buttons. there is a provisioning file in vodia, which works fine, but there is not button template.
  14. it works on my other 3 pbxs, but this one for somereason does not, i cant figure it out. when i disable the trunk and then re-enable it, it works fine. but i have to do this on every reboot.
  15. that would be nice for debugging, why not post the variables in the docs. making our life easier to white label, people have been asking for its for 13+ years looks like.
  16. In the email templates if we use {lng footer#copyright} it doesnt parse it correctly. The dictionary: "footer": { "copyright": "Copyright © {0} Vodia Networks Inc. Vodia is a registered trademark of Vodia Networks, Inc. For more information, visit https://vodia.com." }, "footer": { "copyright": "Copyright © {0} Vodia Networks Inc. Vodia is a registered trademark of Vodia Networks, Inc. For more information, visit https://vodia.com." }, when the email gets sent out the {0} never gets parse as the YEAR. like the web GUI parses it.
  17. i am looking for this also. White Labelling vodia seems impossible the way its layed out.
  18. Is there a setting, where we can set the interval of how often the ips get updated? If i select the trunk and press enable, it refreshed the IP addresses.
  19. Yes, i was planning on making two ring groups, one for each Company
  20. Is there a way to get email notification on 50% but allow hard limit to be 75%? Possibly also get a email when hard limit is reached.
  21. The issue I have is not the inbound of outbound. Transferring a call from 101 on line 2 to 105, goes the line 1 on ext 105. Now the 105 agent thinks the caller is for companyA and not companyB
  22. I setup a new PBX, copy the trunk settings from Text View to ensure the setting are all the same. I noticed from my other 2 PBXs that the ips associated with them are not complete. the first two PBX show this: My new PBX shows this: Outgoing calls work fine. Incoming calls dont work. I get a email notification that the IP has been blocked. If i whitelist the IP addresses, then I dont get the email notications but the calls still dont go through. The first PBX that are working are 68.0.20 my new pbx was 68.0.22, now i downgraded it to 68.0.20 but it still doesnt work.
  23. the grandstream GXP1610/1615 does not have a button template, how can i create one. the phone just has two line keys.
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