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SOAP through CURL

Marijn Rispens

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I've received a request to access the PBX through SOAP.

Well, this works, exept for a small minor, every request I do takes exactly 30 sec.

(i've used the script on wiki)


I've contacted support and got the following answer:


These is programming issues, the scripts on pbxnsip wiki are for examples only.

You need to learn CURL.


So i'm no digging through the internet but can't fint anything usefull.


Can anyone help me, even a small step to the right direction is welcome!



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I've received a request to access the PBX through SOAP.

Well, this works, exept for a small minor, every request I do takes exactly 30 sec.

(i've used the script on wiki).


Well, you probably have a problem with the keep-alive. The PBX expects that the client closes the connection. That is standard HTTP stuff, and there is a lot of information in the search engine of your choice.


curl is not a must. You can use anything that behaves like a HTTP client.

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