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Strange behaviouyr of AG when no Caller-ID


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I have some agent groups (my company departments). For example I have AG with 4 static members. I've detected very strange behaviour of this and other AG, when caller have no Caller-ID we have ringing 1 or 2 of 4 phones, but when there is normal Called-ID all phones are ringing. What's the source of this problem?

For info: all phones are Linksys SPA-921 and Linksys SPA-941.

Best regard, M. Kachalin.

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I have some agent groups (my company departments). For example I have AG with 4 static members. I've detected very strange behaviour of this and other AG, when caller have no Caller-ID we have ringing 1 or 2 of 4 phones, but when there is normal Called-ID all phones are ringing. What's the source of this problem?

For info: all phones are Linksys SPA-921 and Linksys SPA-941.


That is indeed very strange. Is that reproducable? Do the phones reject the call? Maybe there is something that makes them reject anonymous calls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trouble is solved. Some Linksys phones had parameter "Block ANC" = "true", when this happens PBX converting anonymous incoming call state from 'waiting' to 'ringing', but phone really does not rings - call is lossed, but abonent in panic, because he's hearing ringback tone in handset.

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