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SBC appliance


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We often get stuck with issues concerning registrations to our Pbx server with customers with difficult environment. 3cx has a SBC appliance/software they put on site to handle these situations and to ensure secure connection back to hosted PBX. Do we have anything like this for Vodia.

We lost a client due to issues with their firewall/router specialized appliance used to daisy chain phone and computers. Wouldn't  allow us access to this appliance or put phones IP's in DMZ. Registrations were dropping due to clients appliance.


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Firewalls continue being a pain in rolling out VoIP. Especially those that want to do everyone a favor and change SIP messages (they don't do anyone a favor). WebRTC is rendering such firewalls useless anyway.

However if you use TLS to connect to the PBX, the firewall would not be able to interfere with the SIP traffic. The only drawback that I can see is that you might have to whitelist all VoIP phones on the firewall instead of just one address for the extra hardware device.

You could use a Vodia IOP on site and just register the phones there if you want to use hardware on site. The you would still have to open the firewall for the SIP trunk.

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