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Agent Group Call Back Feature


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Hi All, I'm using Vodia 66.0.6. I've some concerns about Agent Group call back feature.

1) When caller press 1 or other key to left the number for the call back, as soon as caller press the key system hang-up the call. Instead system should announce the confirmation or repeat the caller number or give caller option to change the number if they want. None of them exist, please advise.


2) When system initiate the call back, agent see call is coming from *55(Agent Group Number), agent pickup the call and system announce 1 and upon pressing 1 system start calling to numbers have left for the call back. The odd this is while system is connecting call to caller agent do not hear any ring back tone, it's complete silent and suddenly connected to the caller. Instead while call is ringing to caller agent should hear the ring back tone or some sort of tone.


3) When call back made, agent do not know to whom call is connected? Atleast agent should know to whom system is calling.


4) At end of call agent must need to press # to mark that call as completed. Is there a way to avoid it? If somehow agent forgot to press # system again call to the same number.


Please advise.

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