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Snom D765 Edit State Settings

Guest Davide

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Guest Davide

Hello there.

I'm trying to edit the PUI menu working on status_settings.xml taken by the customization file's directory.

Unfortunately, if I delete parts of code, nothing happens resetting the IPPhones. 

Does anyone know how to remove network settings from the PUI?

I'm using as Firmware the update and D765 as deskphone model



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I'm editing settings via provisioning:

<file url:"http://my-ip/pui-upload.xml" type="gui_xml_state_settings"/>

and this is the edited code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<IPPhoneMenu icon_xoffset="$(math_eval:$(gui_display_xsize)/20-5)" text_xoffset="$(math_eval:$(gui_display_xsize)/20-7)" state="others_except_mb" dtmf="off" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  <Menu name="$(lang:preferences_settings)" id="preferences">
    <If condition="$(show_feature:FEATURE_PUI_STYLE_SIO)">
      <SubText>$(lang:date_and_time), $(lang:language), $(lang:audio_settings), $(lang:display_settings), $(lang:menu_function_key), $(lang:preferences_general)</SubText>
  <Menu name="$(lang:call_features_settings)" id="call_features">
    <If condition="$(show_feature:FEATURE_PUI_STYLE_SIO)">
      <SubText>$(lang:redirect_settings), $(lang:outgoing_calls_settings), $(lang:incoming_calls_settings), $(lang:continuous_text_speed_dial)</SubText>
  <Menu name="$(lang:maintenance_settings)" id="maintenance">
    <If condition="$(show_feature:FEATURE_PUI_STYLE_SIO)">
      <SubText>$(lang:menu_security), $(lang:continuous_text_reboot), $(lang:reset_settings), $(lang:sync_settings)</SubText>
  <Menu name="$(lang:information_settings)" id="information">
    <If condition="$(show_feature:FEATURE_PUI_STYLE_SIO)">
      <If condition="$(set:admin_mode)">
        <SubText>$(lang:status_messages), $(lang:system_information_menu), $(lang:demo_mode), $(lang:help_label)</SubText>
        <SubText>$(lang:status_messages), $(lang:system_information_menu), $(lang:help_label)</SubText>
  <If condition="$(phone_state)!=Settings">
      <Url track="no">phone://mb_nop#go_back</Url>


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25 minutes ago, Vodia PBX said:

If we are talking about the menu key the template set that to use the PBX to render the menu:

  <dkey_menu perm="RW">url http://{get host}:{http-port}/app/snom/menu</dkey_menu>

This menu is rendered on the fly by the PBX.

So if I would change menu's content, which file should I edit? The file used for the provisioning?

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That would be a longer story. Essentially there would be two ways to do this—change the key_menu link and point it to your own server or modify the backend app in the PBX. Because you already have the content, you could just drop it into the tftp directory of the pbx (might have to create it first in the working directory of the PBX) and then chage the link to http://{get host}:{http-port}/tftp/your-file.xm to load it.

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