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Linux aliases


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If my eth0 is set to

and I have alias also from to on eth0:1-9


is there any way to force the domain alias to use the ip on an outgoing call?


all calls go out which i assume is normal. just wondering if there is a possible trick i am not aware of.

I assume windows is the same way eh?

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If my eth0 is set to

and I have alias also from to on eth0:1-9


is there any way to force the domain alias to use the ip on an outgoing call?


all calls go out which i assume is normal. just wondering if there is a possible trick i am not aware of.

I assume windows is the same way eh?


Is that because you want to run multiple domains on multiple IP addresses? Are you using UDP or TCP? We recently solved a problem where the contact header for TCP connections was using the OS routing table instead of the local name of the socket. Just checking if this problem is related.

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yes multiple domains on multiple IP's


We use UDP


The same thing happens when we use registrations.. all registrations show the main IP of eth0.


The problem i am having is all outbound calls come from 1 IP so billing is hard for me to get right. I can capture ANI but its still hard to manage.

Inbound is just fine, each has their own IP.

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yes multiple domains on multiple IP's


We use UDP


The same thing happens when we use registrations.. all registrations show the main IP of eth0.


The problem i am having is all outbound calls come from 1 IP so billing is hard for me to get right. I can capture ANI but its still hard to manage.

Inbound is just fine, each has their own IP.


UDP will be really difficult as the OS makes the decision what IP address to present for a packet. The only solution is to have one socket for each IP address. For example, in the Ports section you can use the string "" to open five sockets; then the PBX has a chance to select the right socket for sending responses back.

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odd thing about that is it wont bind.


I put which is eth0:10 and the call still went out as which is eth0 (even though it was not bound)


side question; does this scenario work in windows? or same problem.


It should be the same in Linux and Windows. I know it works in TCP (we just had that case and fixed it). UDP may be different, especially when the SBC does not kick in (maybe try to register a device from behing a router).

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  • 2 weeks later...
i cant even get this to work with TCP. Trying to get the hosted PBX talking to a hosted Exchange (same rack yes)


what version do I need to be on for this to work?


Hmm. So your billing platform bills based on IP addresses. That means you want essentially trunks to be bound to specific IP addresses. That will be difficult... We would have to introduce a seperate socket for each trunk (okay, it would also solve problems with the identification of inbound SIP traffic, but so far we could always work around).


Any alternatives? Check out ICID (RFC 3455), I think that is a very simple and very effective way of identifying what trunk was used for a call. If you can change anything on the billing platform, that would solve the problem.

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no this is different... now i have muliple domains sending TCP calls to MS Exchange.. and it is only sending the NIC IP.

Didnt you say TCP IP's were working?


Well the TCP is for inbound TCP traffic. When the PBX opens an outbound TCP connection (PBX being a TCP client) then the OS will assign the IP address; and the PBX has no control over it. AFAIK you cannot bind a TCP client socket to a specific address.


IMHO client authentication based on IP address is not the right way to solve this problem...

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