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Call recording to external location - Dropbox


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Is it possible to send call recordings to Dropbox?  If so, how?

Ideally I would like to be able to record using the windows app and then download directly from that app to a location of my choosing.  However, recording to an offsite location (Dropbox) that users can access securely could also work.

I seem to be able to delete a recording, but not download it?  It also plays the recording message whether you have it enabled or not... this is plays while the call is ringing, over playing any info message we have playing at that time.  Can it be set to play once the call is picked up by an agent and not as part of the ringing call?

One thing I have noticed, it looks like the previous (before 68.0.12) recordings were stored as $r/$o/$a/$d-$t-$i-$n.wav (by domain name), they have changed to $r/$m/$d/$t-$i-$u-$n.wav (by month).  Domain seems a better idea on a multi tenant system.

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From the PBX point of view, the recordings are just written to the file system. What might be a little special about it is that the file is written in chunks as the call goes on; but dropbox should be able to deal with it. 

You can of overwrite the prompt. What you can do is use e.g. the auto attendant to generate a custom announcement and then locate the file in the audio_xx folder and copy it over the recording WAV file. Or you just record it with your own voice...

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Is there any documentation on how to get the recording to save to Dropbox?


Recording wav file:

This looks to be a global setting?  On a multi tenant system each tenant may want their own personal messages... 


Record and download:

Is it possible to allow the Desktop app to manually record calls and then to download them via the app?

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This is quite important at the moment.  There is a specific request to have call recording setup but it doesn't seem to be useable yet..  The call recording message is a single one for all tenants and overplays any ring/greeting that may be setup and plays even when deselected.  Is it possible to play this once a call is actually answered?  And is there any way that on a multi tenant PBX that each tenant can record their own messages?  Users can delete recordings on the Windows app but not download them?

1. Record individual tenant script for the recording message.

2. Manually start/stop recording from Windows app.  (cannot start manual record and cannot stop auto one..).

3. Download recording from the Windows app for self management.

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The PBX will not directly interact with Dropbox. You would have to install Dropbox on your server and configure it to replicate the recordings directory. As far as I know Dropbox would keep the file, even if the system eventually deletes it because of the version history.

As for the WAV file, I would just not announce it from the system and instead use the prompt 0 (which will always be played). Then you can configure this per queue. 

We are looking into the app what is going on with starting and stopping or recording. What is supposed to work is to pause automatic recording (e.g. for taking credit card information) and starting of manual recording. 

Also there are recording solutions available that work with Vodia, maybe you want to take a look at Veriva Systems or CallCabinet.

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Additionally I would also like to see the ability to download recordings so they can be attached in the clients CRM.

Also is there any way to email automatic recordings that are not captured in the voicemail? 

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On 6/6/2022 at 12:37 PM, RichardDCG said:

1. Record individual tenant script for the recording message.

2. Manually start/stop recording from Windows app.  (cannot start manual record and cannot stop auto one..).

3. Download recording from the Windows app for self management.

1. Seems to be ok, if you stop recording message at queue as well as General Settings you can then use a queue message.

2. Still an issue to start manual record or stop an auto one via the Windows app.

3. You can download if you play the message and select download from there, not via the 3 dots at the end of each message where you can delete... can a download option be added there?

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