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I have a GRP2616 with 'auto' timezone set, however it is an hour out.  I can set manually on the handset to NSW Australia and it displays correctly.  GS have had issues with NSW DST and we manually have to set as AEST-10AEDT-11,M10.1.0,M4.1.0 

Where can I see what is in {tz grandstream} ?

<item name="dateTime.timezone">{tz grandstream}</item>


I modified the Timezone.xml file in the admin pages:

From :  <grandstream>EST-10EDT-11,M10.5.0/02:00:00,M3.5.0/03:00:00</grandstream>

To:     <grandstream>AEST-10AEDT-11,M10.1.0,M4.1.0</grandstream>


But it hasn't made a difference.  It is still an hour behind.


If I set the extension to be Australian Capital Territory it displays correctly, I assume the PBX will need a reboot for this to be changed?


The ACT TZ was different to NSW



  <zone name="AUS5">
    <description>New South Wales</description>
    <cisco>AUS Eastern Standard/Daylight Time</cisco>
  <zone name="AUS6">
    <description>Australian Capital Territory</description>
    <cisco>AUS Eastern Standard/Daylight Time</cisco>


Well, there are many {} placeholders scattered for al sorts of uses. We generally try to show them when you turn the log levels up. As for the provisioning part, there is some documentation at https://doc.vodia.com/docs/phone-provisioning-variables that is a good staring point. That being said, if you can, tr to use the general parameters for the templates where ever possible, so that you will get template changes with the next software update. 




both are the same timezone settings...both were incorrect.  Below is correct.

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