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max messges 0 / mailbox full message


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Hi there,


I just upgraded to from the previous posted version.


We have a domain set up specifically to play number change annoucements (reference of calls) via custom mailbox recordings. i.e. "the number xxx has been changed to yyy".


In the previous version, I would simply set the maximum number of messages field to 0 and this would allow me to have my custom greeting still play and then the voicemail system would hang up/not record any messages.


Since upgrading to the new version, if my mailbox max messages is set to 0, I get a mailbox full message with no custom greeting. It seems as thought the only way for me to replicate what I had in previous versions is to remove the 0 from max messages and let everyone record silent messages.


This is fine, but seems as though I am putting unecessary load on the system. Is there a way to replicate what I had before with the newer versions?


In the past we have had quite a few uses for this other then just reference of calls. For instance, weather announcement lines....tele-thon type voting polls...etc.



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  • 1 month later...
Hi there,


I just upgraded to from the previous posted version.


We have a domain set up specifically to play number change annoucements (reference of calls) via custom mailbox recordings. i.e. "the number xxx has been changed to yyy".


In the previous version, I would simply set the maximum number of messages field to 0 and this would allow me to have my custom greeting still play and then the voicemail system would hang up/not record any messages.


Since upgrading to the new version, if my mailbox max messages is set to 0, I get a mailbox full message with no custom greeting. It seems as thought the only way for me to replicate what I had in previous versions is to remove the 0 from max messages and let everyone record silent messages.


This is fine, but seems as though I am putting unecessary load on the system. Is there a way to replicate what I had before with the newer versions?


In the past we have had quite a few uses for this other then just reference of calls. For instance, weather announcement lines....tele-thon type voting polls...etc.





Well...I guess no one else is using this appliance for this type of thing. :huh:


In case it comes up in the future for anyone...I have had to go back to v to get this functionality. This one alows a custom greeting to still be played when max messages is set to 0....it also just disconnects at the end of the message instead of recording a blank message.

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  • 1 month later...
why not use a IVR Node or a Auto Attendant? it will play the greeting then terminate the call if you set it up the right way


Forgot to chime in here and say Thanks! I find the IVR node works best out of the two.

Main reason being, I couldnt figure out away to stop the AA from getting stuck in a loop if somone happens to press a key during the playback.


Incase anyone comes across this same thing, I set the IVR Node with the DTMF Matching set to T, the SOAP URI set to action:bye and the timeout set to the duration of my recording (15s in my case).


Thanks again

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