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Feature request: pull caller out of voicemail


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This would be a great selling feature if you add it to PBXNSIP.


Pull a caller out of voicemail.

How many times have you heard your office/desk phone ring and you ran to your phone and the caller already went to voicemail? It would be great to be able to pickup the phone and enter a star code to pull the caller out of the voicemail and bring him back to your phone so you can talk to him.


Before switching to PBXNSIP our previous phone system (not a VoIP system) had this feature and it got a lot of press as the other phone systems never had this option.


I don't think it would be that hard to implement.



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Pull a caller out of voicemail.

How many times have you heard your office/desk phone ring and you ran to your phone and the caller already went to voicemail? It would be great to be able to pickup the phone and enter a star code to pull the caller out of the voicemail and bring him back to your phone so you can talk to him.


Before switching to PBXNSIP our previous phone system (not a VoIP system) had this feature and it got a lot of press as the other phone systems never had this option.


I don't think it would be that hard to implement.


Hehe. We were thinking about playing back the VM recording message like you know it from your voicemail machine at home. Probably in an office environment (cubicles!) not very suitable if everyone can listen in.


Anyway, it might really be relatively easy to add a star code that barges into the call. You would have to dial a star code in the end, but it would solve the problem.


It might be even easier to use this from the PAC/WAC. Then even drag and drop would be an option.

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Hehe. We were thinking about playing back the VM recording message like you know it from your voicemail machine at home. Probably in an office environment (cubicles!) not very suitable if everyone can listen in.


Anyway, it might really be relatively easy to add a star code that barges into the call. You would have to dial a star code in the end, but it would solve the problem.


It might be even easier to use this from the PAC/WAC. Then even drag and drop would be an option.



Yes, a star code would be great so all users can access this feature.


You would barge into the call but at the same time the voicemail box would stop playing your out going greeting soon as you enter the star code at your desk to intercept/barge into the missed call.


It would be easier with PAC/WAC but not all users use that or even have access to it or maybe you got auto logged out after x hours of idle time so it would be hard to login real quick to take the missed call with PAC/WAC....using the star code would be my first bet then add PAC/WAC support....my previous phone system had a great GUI and also the star code.


I think if you add this to PBXNSIP it would get you some free press...it's a powerful option that a lot of phone systems just don't have...I know I miss 1 or 2 phone calls a day from not getting back to my desk quick enough before my mailbox picks up.



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that is a feature some people will use.


my question--how will the person ext. user know a voicemail is in process of being left?




You don't know and it doesn't matter if the user knows or not....what this feature is for is if you heard your phone ring and you weren't able to make it back in time to answer it so the call is now gone to your voicemail box....the caller might not have even started recording their message yet because the caller could still be listening to your out going voicemail box greeting...again it doesn't matter...this feature is so that we can pull the caller out of the voicemail box and bring them back to your desk phone - of course this only works if the caller is still on the line and you would know this after entering *86* - you either get the caller back or a message saying feature not available or something like that.

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it would be cool if there was a button.


ESI has a similar function. You press a button to enable this feature but when the customer starts leaving a message, the button starts flashing and the PBX intercoms the phone and as the user is leaving the voicemail it is played over the intercom 50% volume. then the user can pick up the handset and take over the call. or hit X and drop the call so they can keep leaving the voicemail.


be cool if it functioned similar.

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it would be cool if there was a button.

Well, the best solution would be a fast-blinking MWI light.

ESI has a similar function. You press a button to enable this feature but when the customer starts leaving a message, the button starts flashing and the PBX intercoms the phone and as the user is leaving the voicemail it is played over the intercom 50% volume. then the user can pick up the handset and take over the call. or hit X and drop the call so they can keep leaving the voicemail.

Apart from the technical challenges with the SIP standards, the question is if customers want this in an office environment at all. Imagine there is someone visiting you in your office or cubicle, and you don't want to get the call, and then the visitor can listen to what is being recorded.

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This feature request now sounds like two seperate feature requests....


The original one..

1. Pull a call that you just missed out of voicemail back to your phone. I'm using the latest build and I've tested this feature and it's working great - THANKS.



and the new one...


2. Call screening....person calls your phone and you want to screen the call so you can hear the caller talking/leaving a message then decide if you want to take the call.

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