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calls to hunt group drop after 3min


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When a user of one domain makes a call to a hunt group of another domain the call drops after 3min.

The pbxnsip is connected to a switch and all domain-2-other-domain calls are sent to the trunk of the switch and back to the pbx.

Version is pbxctrl-centos5-

A sip trace seems to indicate that something goes wrong early in the setup of the call. As far as I can tell the call rings two different phones and when one of them sends a 200 OK message the pbxnsip responds by sending a CANCEL with reason: "Call completed elsewhere" to both phones!! There is however 2-way audio for exactly 3mins


Frame # Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
    31 6.163960    XX.YYY.47.27          PBX.N.SIP.2           SIP/SDP  
   Status-Line: SIP/2.0 200 OK
Frame # Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
    32 6.165921    PBX.N.SIP.2           XX.YYY.47.27          SIP      
   Request-Line: ACK sip:52@;transport=TCP SIP/2.0
Frame # Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
    33 6.168142    PBX.N.SIP.2           PP.QQ.18.226          SIP      
   Request-Line: CANCEL sip:52@;transport=TCP SIP/2.0
       Reason: SIP;cause=200;text="Call completed elsewhere"
Frame # Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
    34 6.168388    PBX.N.SIP.2           XX.YYY.47.27          SIP      
   Request-Line: CANCEL sip:55@ SIP/2.0
       Reason: SIP;cause=200;text="Call completed elsewhere"


Should I email tcpdumps?

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"Call completed elsewhere" means somewhere else the call was connected. So PBX sends CANCEL to all other ringing agents. That's okay. TCP dump probably would tell us who is initiating the disconnect.


We know that you are using 3.4 version. Is there any possibility that you can try out the version? There were some changes regarding inter-domain calls.

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"Call completed elsewhere" means somewhere else the call was connected. So PBX sends CANCEL to all other ringing agents. That's okay.


perhaps I wasn't clear enough: there are only two phones in this hunt group. BOTH of them got the CANCEL message. i.e. even the phone that sent the 200 OK in order to receive the call got a CANCEL!

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I would generally use the email reporting for call legs to find out what is going on. In order to do that put something like "mailto:ndemou@abc.com" into the CDR URL in the admin settings (make sure that the system is generally able to send out emails). Then you will receive emails for every call leg made on the system. The email will have an attachment which shows you a lot of information about the call, including the reason why the call got disconnected (SIPterm). The SDR will tell you if the PBX initiated the call disconnect or the other party.


Also you should pay attention to the other email warnings the system sends out. For example, if the system actively disconects a call because of one-way audio, it would send you as the admin a email warning (admin/email/messages in the web interface of the pbx). That would make it a lot easier for you to find out why calls get disconnected.



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May be you did not check your reply on the PM that day.


Here it is anyways



Looked at the dump file. The issue is that the device at 79.x.x.195 never receives anything back from the PBX, even though PBX is sending responses. Maybe somebody is either blocking it or dropping it.


So, 79.x.x.195 is initiating the disconnect sequence.


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