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Ausgehende Anrufe nach Update Anonym


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Darueber habe ich auch schon nachgedacht und habe eben die snomONE PLUS neugestartet was allerdings nicht zur Loesung beigetragen hat.


Auf dem Patton kann ich folgende Debugging Messages erkennen:




Bearer capability : 3.1kHz Audio - CCITT

circuit mode - 64kBit/s - G.711 A-law


Progress indicator : origination address is non-ISDN

private network serving remote user - CCITT


Calling party number :

unknown number - unknown numbering plan

presentation restricted - user provided not screened


Called party number :

unknown number - unknown numbering plan


Hier wird scheinbar (egal in welcher Kombination aus "CLIP Standard/Anzeige von Nummern" und "Globale Nummern umformatieren"!) keinerlei Rufnummer an den Patton Gateway weitergegeben. Dies funktionierte vor dem Update ohne Probleme und ist nur durch den Funktionstest nach der Aktualisierung aufgefallen.


Der Vollstaendigkeit halber die entsprechenden Angaben zum Patton:


Productname : SN4554/2BIS/EUI

Software Version : R5.8 2011-07-01 SIP

Supplier :

Provider :

Subscriber :


Information for Slot 0:

SN4554/2BIS/EUI (Admin State: Application Started, Real State: Application Started)

Hardware Version : 4, 1

Serial number : 00A0BA0528A0

PLD Version : 0x45010106

Software Version : R5.8 2011-07-01 SIP


Dieser hatte vor dem Update die Rufnummer empfangen, nur scheinbar nicht mehr nach dem Update...


Calling party number :

unknown number - unknown numbering plan

presentation restricted - user provided not screened


Worauf kann dieses Verhalten zurueck zu fuehren sein? Die Konfiguration des Trunks habe ich als PDF Spasseshalber einfach mal angehangen.


Vielleicht hilft das bei der Loesung, ich verzweifel leider langsam... :(

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Habe das Problem grad eben auf einer snomONE Anlage auf einem Windows System (also nicht PLUS) getestet.


Hier dient ein Patton SN 4638 als Media Gateway.


Unter Version bekomme ich eine Anonyme Nummer angezeigt. Sobald ich auf Version Downgrade (Dienst stoppen, pbxctrl.exe loeschen, durch die aeltere Version ersetzen und Dienst wieder starten) habe ich wieder eine funktionierende Rufnummernuebermittlung...


Es scheint also entweder ein Konfigurationsproblem mit Version zu sein (vielleicht das sich zwischen den Versionsstaenden einige Parameter geandert haben) oder hier liegt leider tatsaechlich ein entsprechender Bug bei der Steuerung der Rufnummernuebermittlung vor.

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Also das Problem besteht mit dem Patton Gateway? Bei snom ONE plus dachte ich zuerst an Probleme mit Sangoma...


Wir müßten uns mal die Header ansehen. Das ist der Klassiker für Probleme beim Upgrade auf 4.5. Beim Trunk ist "Remote-Party-ID" eingeschaltet und das könnte für Patton okay sein (ich bin da leider nicht de rgrößte Experte). Einfach mal ein paar andere Kombinationen kurz ausprobieren. Aber es würde helfen, wenn wir hier eine Kopie des SIP INVITE Paketes sehen könnten welches and das Gateway geschickt wird.


P.S. Ich würde beim Trunk die Erkennung "Ton für aufgelegten Anruf erkennen" ausschalten. Das ist nur erforderlich wenn das Gateway das nicht unerstützt; das sollte aber bei Patton kein Problem sein und es kann bei snom ONE nur zu unerwünschten Gesprächsabbrüchen führen.

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Habe leider gestern abend bis heute spaet in die Nacht schon alle moeglichen Kombinationen getestet und kam nicht zum positiven Ergebnis.


Die Option "Ton für aufgelegten Anruf erkennen" werde ich heute Abend ausschalten da das System im Produktiven Einsatz ist und ich solche Aenderungen lieber ausserhalb der Buerozeiten durchfuehre.


Den SIP Header kann ich gern zur Verfuegung stellen, ich benoetige nur Informationen wie ich diesen entsprechend erstellen kann.

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Leider scheint es nicht so einfach zu sein das sich das Problem mit "noch einmal speichern" loesen laesst. Ich habe dies eben getestet und das Problem besteht nach wie vor.


Anbei die angefragten Logs eines Anrufs (dieser war ausgehend und wurde nicht auf der Gegenseite beantwortet sondern lediglich durchgeklingelt)


Die eigentlich zu uebermittelnde Rufnummer waere +49 234 893958-0 bzw +49 234 893958-18 (DuWa Nr. 0/11-29)


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: Last message repeated 3 times

[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Rx tls:

INVITE sip:@pbx.core.local;user=phone SIP/2.0

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK-ptfrnuynl1f6;rport

From: "Lennart Gödde" <sip:18@pbx.core.local>;tag=2jj23n67i9

To: <sip:@pbx.core.local;user=phone>

Call-ID: 4b5b2a3c13ea-79ril6hhll2f


Max-Forwards: 70

Contact: <sip:18@;transport=tls;line=npy0ak65>;reg-id=1

X-Serialnumber: 0004134165D2

P-Key-Flags: resolution="31x13", keys="4"

User-Agent: snom870/8.4.18

Accept: application/sdp


Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info

Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change

Session-Expires: 3600;refresher=uas

Min-SE: 90

Proxy-Require: buttons

Content-Type: application/sdp

Content-Length: 526



o=root 1505617816 1505617816 IN IP4


c=IN IP4

t=0 0

m=audio 60742 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 2 3 18 4 101

a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 inline:koHIsOQEyO/+7uIGLebHd3x/D6/wf5YKyftH2uzV

a=rtpmap:9 g722/8000

a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000

a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000

a=rtpmap:2 g726-32/8000

a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000

a=rtpmap:18 g729/8000

a=fmtp:18 annexb=no

a=rtpmap:4 g723/8000

a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000

a=fmtp:101 0-16


a=rtcp-xr:voip-metrics stat-summary=loss,dup,jitt


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Tx tls:

SIP/2.0 100 Trying

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK-ptfrnuynl1f6;rport=3635

From: "Lennart Gödde" <sip:18@pbx.core.local>;tag=2jj23n67i9

To: <sip:@pbx.core.local;user=phone>;tag=8075b4032b

Call-ID: 4b5b2a3c13ea-79ril6hhll2f


Content-Length: 0


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Tx udp:

INVITE sip:@;user=phone SIP/2.0

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-762c5d81b1c0c0e58cd79419ad03dfc9;rport

From: "CoreKG" <sip:>;tag=1878496577

To: <sip:@>

Call-ID: dc92bed6@pbx

CSeq: 4924 INVITE

Max-Forwards: 70

Contact: <sip:;transport=udp>

Supported: 100rel, replaces, norefersub

Allow-Events: refer


Accept: application/sdp

User-Agent: snomONE/2011- Beta Corona Austrinids

Remote-Party-ID: "Lennart Gödde" <sip:80@pbx.core.local;user=phone>

Privacy: id

P-Charging-Vector: icid-value=;icid-generated-at=;orig-ioi=pbx.core.local

Content-Type: application/sdp

Content-Length: 341



o=- 1687208665 1687208665 IN IP4


c=IN IP4

t=0 0

m=audio 60734 RTP/AVP 0 8 9 2 3 101

a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000

a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000

a=rtpmap:9 g722/8000

a=rtpmap:2 g726-32/8000

a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000

a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000

a=fmtp:101 0-16

a=rtcp-xr:rcvr-rtt=all voip-metrics


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Tx tls:

SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK-ptfrnuynl1f6;rport=3635

From: "Lennart Gödde" <sip:18@pbx.core.local>;tag=2jj23n67i9

To: <sip:@pbx.core.local;user=phone>;tag=8075b4032b

Call-ID: 4b5b2a3c13ea-79ril6hhll2f


Contact: <sip:18@;transport=tls>

Supported: 100rel, replaces, norefersub

Allow-Events: refer


Accept: application/sdp

User-Agent: snomONE/2011- Beta Corona Austrinids

Require: 100rel

RSeq: 1

Content-Type: application/sdp

Content-Length: 435



o=- 433573239 433573239 IN IP4


c=IN IP4

t=0 0

m=audio 62394 RTP/AVP 0 8 9 2 3 101

a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 inline:lxMEYqzoB8Jsa7ajlCUqqRFRppAe/Zo43AOTlnqB

a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000

a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000

a=rtpmap:9 g722/8000

a=rtpmap:2 g726-32/8000

a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000

a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000

a=fmtp:101 0-16


a=rtcp-xr:rcvr-rtt=all voip-metrics


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Rx udp:

SIP/2.0 100 Trying

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-762c5d81b1c0c0e58cd79419ad03dfc9;rport=5060;received=

From: "CoreKG" <sip:>;tag=1878496577

To: <sip:@>

Call-ID: dc92bed6@pbx

CSeq: 4924 INVITE

Server: Patton SN4554 2BIS EUI 00A0BA0528A0 R5.8 2011-07-01 SIP M5T SIP Stack/

Content-Length: 0


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Rx tls:

PRACK sip:18@;transport=tls SIP/2.0

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK-w5wig38twiw7;rport

From: "Lennart Gödde" <sip:18@pbx.core.local>;tag=2jj23n67i9

To: <sip:@pbx.core.local;user=phone>;tag=8075b4032b

Call-ID: 4b5b2a3c13ea-79ril6hhll2f


Max-Forwards: 70

Contact: <sip:18@;transport=tls;line=npy0ak65>;reg-id=1

RAck: 1 1 INVITE


Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info

Proxy-Require: buttons

Content-Length: 0


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Tx tls:

SIP/2.0 200 Ok

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK-w5wig38twiw7;rport=3635

From: "Lennart Gödde" <sip:18@pbx.core.local>;tag=2jj23n67i9

To: <sip:@pbx.core.local;user=phone>;tag=8075b4032b

Call-ID: 4b5b2a3c13ea-79ril6hhll2f


Contact: <sip:18@;transport=tls>

User-Agent: snomONE/2011- Beta Corona Austrinids

Content-Length: 0


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:26: SIP Rx udp:

SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-762c5d81b1c0c0e58cd79419ad03dfc9;rport=5060;received=

From: "CoreKG" <sip:>;tag=1878496577

To: <sip:@>;tag=283379315

Call-ID: dc92bed6@pbx

CSeq: 4924 INVITE

Contact: <sip:@>

Server: Patton SN4554 2BIS EUI 00A0BA0528A0 R5.8 2011-07-01 SIP M5T SIP Stack/

Content-Length: 0


[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:27: SIP Rx udp:

SIP/2.0 180 Ringing

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-762c5d81b1c0c0e58cd79419ad03dfc9;rport=5060;received=

From: "CoreKG" <sip:>;tag=1878496577

To: <sip:@>;tag=283379315

Call-ID: dc92bed6@pbx

CSeq: 4924 INVITE

Contact: <sip:@>

Server: Patton SN4554 2BIS EUI 00A0BA0528A0 R5.8 2011-07-01 SIP M5T SIP Stack/

Content-Type: application/sdp

Content-Length: 221



o=MxSIP 0 1262 IN IP4

s=SIP Call

c=IN IP4

t=0 0

m=audio 5158 RTP/AVP 0 8 101

a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000

a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000

a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000

a=fmtp:101 0-16


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[5] 2012/02/24 00:10:22: SIP Tx udp:

INVITE sip:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@;user=phone SIP/2.0

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-762c5d81b1c0c0e58cd79419ad03dfc9;rport

From: "CoreKG" <sip:>;tag=1878496577

To: <sip:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@>

Call-ID: dc92bed6@pbx

CSeq: 4924 INVITE

Max-Forwards: 70

Contact: <sip:;transport=udp>

Supported: 100rel, replaces, norefersub

Allow-Events: refer


Accept: application/sdp

User-Agent: snomONE/2011- Beta Corona Austrinids

Remote-Party-ID: "Lennart Gödde" <sip:80@pbx.core.local;user=phone>

Privacy: id

P-Charging-Vector: icid-value=;icid-generated-at=;orig-ioi=pbx.core.local


Es sieht wirklich so aus, als ob die Rufnummernunterdrückung eingeschaltet ist (Privacy: id, bei Interesse mal RFC 3325, § 9.3 durchlesen). Das funktioniert offenbar hervorragend.


Bitte nochmal unbedingt überprüfen, ob bei Herrn Gödde die "Telefonnummer bei ausgehenden Anrufen unterdrücken" eingeschaltet ist (im Webinterface, ganz unten bei den Settings für die nebenstelle).

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Habe ich ueberprueft und auch entsprechend einmal geaendert. Was mich dabei wundert ist, dass in diesem Fall das "Nein" auf der linken Seite steht (steht ueberall sonst rechts).

Da ich mich arbeitsbedingt in Irland befinde (VMware Technical Support) und ich fuer die Auswertung ein "sauberes" System nutzen moechte kann ich die entsprechenden Logs mit den unterschiedlichen Settings (An: Ja/Nein) heute Abend probieren wenn dort nicht telefoniert wird.

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Wird auf diesem System relativ schwierig da es sich um die snomONE PLUS handelt und ich nicht genau weis wie ich dort ein release nach hinten gehe. Ansonsten koennte ich das ganze auf einer snomONE (Windows Server 2008 R2) reproduzieren.


Ich werde heute Abend die entsprechenden Logs posten

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Anbei ein Log unter Version

Die snomONE laeuft in diesem Fall auf einem Windows Server 2008 R2


IP der snomONE:


Daten des Patton: version


Productname : SN4638/5BIS

Software Version : R5.8 2011-11-10 H323 SIP BRI

Supplier :

Provider :

Subscriber :


Information for Slot 0:

SN4638/5BIS (Admin State: Application Started, Real State: Application Started)

Hardware Version : 1, 11

Serial number : 00A0BA0510A3

PLD Version : 0x46010102

Software Version : R5.8 2011-11-10 H323 SIP BRI



----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> GW_SIP_DDI/

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 88

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:88@pbx.tretwerk.local;user=phone

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Name -> Patton_GW

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 u-law[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20]

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Codec Negotiating -> Idle

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> 408b18a9@pbx

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: IP-Address ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00d281c8

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00d21c50] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000022

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00d21c50] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00d21c50] Set call property: Hops -> 0x00000010

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Dial to provider router (IF_SIP_DDI-precall-service) using call 00d21c50

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Accept call 00d21c50

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Number ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Alert-Info ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:@;user=phone

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -> router

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x010310f0

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868] Start route-lookup

00:05:17 CR > [switch] Routing-Lookup:

00:05:17 CR > Execute all entries in table IF_SIP_DDI-precall-service

00:05:17 CR > Execute all entries in table SER_HG_DDI-dest

00:05:17 CR > Execute all entries in table route-found-place-call

00:05:17 CR > Lookup result: Route found; place call (timeout=0)

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868] Route found; immediately place call

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868] Route to provider 'SER_HG_DDI'

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 88

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:88@pbx.tretwerk.local;user=phone

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name -> Patton_GW

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 u-law[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20]

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Codec Negotiating -> Idle

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> 408b18a9@pbx

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: IP-Address ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> router

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00a82518

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00a82420] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000022

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00a82420] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00a82420] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Dial to provider SER_HG_DDI () using call 00a82420

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Accept call 00a82420

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Number ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Alert-Info ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:@;user=phone

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -> SER_HG_DDI

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00a908f0

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Hunt to IF_ISDN_00 ()

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 88

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:88@pbx.tretwerk.local;user=phone

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name -> Patton_GW

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.711 u-law[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20]

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Codec Negotiating -> Idle

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> 408b18a9@pbx

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: IP-Address ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> SER_HG_DDI

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00d25d30

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00d25c68] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000022

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00d25c68] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00d25c68] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000e

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Dial to provider IF_ISDN_00 () using call 00d25c68

00:05:17 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] Added endpoint IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8

00:05:17 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] NEW CALL. Allocated Endpoint IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Accept call 00d25c68

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Number ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> Unknown

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Name ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Alert-Info ->

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: URI -> sip:@;user=phone

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.50, DS0

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> IF_ISDN_00

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00a8fde0

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] do not reroute because: service invoked

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] AOC-S User << Call Setup

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] AOC-D User << Call Setup

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] AOC-E User << Call Setup

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] >> [080005]



Bearer capability : 3.1kHz Audio - CCITT

circuit mode - 64kBit/s - G.711 A-law


Progress indicator : origination address is non-ISDN

private network serving remote user - CCITT


Calling party number : 88

unknown number - unknown numbering plan

presentation allowed - user provided not screened


Called party number :

unknown number - unknown numbering plan


00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Set state to CALL INITIATED

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Endpoint-Is-Isdn -> true

00:05:17 CC > [Call 00d21c50] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> router

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00a82518

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Outgoing peer-properties changed

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Event: PeerStateAndDataChanged | State: Hunt

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring changed properties

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring outgoing peer-property: data

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring outgoing peer-property: state

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] State: CALL INITIATED, Event: PEER CONNECTED

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Hold State: IDLE, Hold Event: PEER CONNECTED

00:05:17 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] << Message: primitive=38

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] << [08000D]



Channel id : 1 - exclusive

basic rate interface - is not d-channel - CCITT - b-channel units


00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] State: CALL INITIATED, Event: TERMINAL MORE INFO IND

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Set state to OVERLAP SENDING

00:05:17 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> ADDRESS-INCOMPLETE

00:05:17 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Sending additional user info ''

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Outgoing peer-properties changed

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Event: PeerStateChanged | State: Hunt

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Hunting tentatively succeeded

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring changed properties

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring outgoing peer-property: state

00:05:17 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> ADDRESS-INCOMPLETE

00:05:17 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> ADDRESS-INCOMPLETE

00:05:22 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.40, RTP, (undefined) (0ms), Local: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms

00:05:22 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.40, RTP, (undefined) (0ms), Local: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms

00:05:22 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.40, RTP, (undefined) (0ms), Local: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms

00:05:26 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] << Message: primitive=43

00:05:26 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] << [080002]




00:05:26 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Set state to OUTGOING PROCEEDING

00:05:26 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Outgoing peer-properties changed

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Event: PeerStateChanged | State: Hunt

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring changed properties

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring outgoing peer-property: state

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> PROCEEDING

00:05:26 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] << Message: primitive=31

00:05:26 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] << [080001]



Progress indicator : inband information available

public network serving local user - CCITT



00:05:26 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Set state to CALL DELIVERED

00:05:26 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> ALERTING

00:05:26 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Outgoing peer-properties changed

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Event: PeerStateAndDataChanged | State: Hunt

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring changed properties

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring outgoing peer-property: data

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90] Mirroring outgoing peer-property: state

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> ALERTING

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868] Routing succeeded

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Transfer call 00a82420 to 00d21c50 ==> conference

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Drop call 00d21c50

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Drop call 00a82420

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing

00:05:26 CC > [EP router-00d21868/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

00:05:26 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> GW_SIP_DDI/

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00d281c8

00:05:26 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true

00:05:26 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] State: CALL DELIVERED, Event: PEER INBAND INFO

00:05:27 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.36, RTP, G.711 u-law (20ms), Local: Rx 14 pkts, 2240 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 37 ms, Tx 12 pkts, 1920 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms

00:05:27 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.36, RTP, G.711 u-law (20ms), Local: Rx 14 pkts, 2240 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 37 ms, Tx 12 pkts, 1920 bytes, rtt 0 ms, Remote: Rx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, 0 lost, jitter 0 ms, Tx 0 pkts, 0 bytes, rtt 0 ms

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Drop call 00d21c50

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_SIP_DDI-01031710/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

00:05:29 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false

00:05:29 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing

00:05:29 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

00:05:29 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Drop call 00d21c50

00:05:29 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false

00:05:29 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing

00:05:29 CC > [EP SER_HG_DDI-00d26d90/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Hold State: IDLE, Hold Event: PEER RELEASED

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] State: CALL DELIVERED, Event: PEER RELEASED

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Set state to DISCONNECT REQUEST

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] AOC-S User << Call Clearing

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] AOC-D User << Call Clearing

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] AOC-E User << Call Clearing

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] >> [080045]



Cause : normal call clearing

private network serving remote user - CCITT - Q.931


00:05:29 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] << Message: primitive=50

00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] << [08004D]




00:05:29 ICC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8] Set state to NULL

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Drop call 00d25c68

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false

00:05:29 CC > [EP IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

00:05:29 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] CLEARING CALL IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8

00:05:29 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] Removed endpoint IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8

00:05:29 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] Destroying finished calls.

00:05:29 ICC > [iF_ISDN_00] Destroyed endpoint IF_ISDN_00-00d240c8




Settings stehen auf "Remote Party-ID" und "Europaeisches Format (0 oder 00 am anfang der lokalen Nummer)" aber hier funktioniert die Anzeige tadellos

Ausgehende Nummer ist die +49 201 52343888

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Im Vergleich dazu noch einmal unter Version


Hier wurde die gleiche Umgebung verwendet wie im Post zuvor. Gleicher Gateway, die gleichen IPs, gleiche Settings (Remote Party-ID und Europaeisches Format)

Die Rufnummernanzeige steht hier auf Privat Number (getestet auf meinem Irischen Mobiltelefon)


[trace deleted]



Ausgehende Nummer sollte wie zuvor die +49 201 52343888 sein

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