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transfer settings


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in version 3.2 when doing a blind transfer it use to send along the person who transferred the call along with the original caller info


For example R 201


with the callers info


can you add this back in the next version?


Also we have an issue when transferring calls, we always use transfer and not blind transfer, now the problem is that the person receiving the transfer never knows when it was transferred already as it doesn't ring and its very confusing

can you can a tone ones the call it transferred



Thank you

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I would like to provide some background information about some changes we did in the transfer area. Attended transfer is all fine and we did not touch it; however for the blind transfer we felt that the blind transfer had to be improved.


The overall problem with the blind transfer is that it might fail. That is very unsatisfactory for the one who called into the system. The one who initiates the transfer must know if the transfer failed, and if that is the case the call should not be just disconnected (callers thrown out of the system), but the call should get back somehow. If you want, the PBX is overlooking the blind transfer and if something goes wrong make sure that the call does not get lost. The answer is to use a temporary conference where the transferer is part of that conference until the call is successfully transferred, especially the transferer can hear if there is a ringback tone after the transfer and then get out of the conference. I believe that is a huge improvement compared to the situation when you never know if the transfer worked or not.


Maybe we should involve the marketing department. They might propose to rename the blind transfer to automatic transfer, because there is a machine (the PBX) taking care about the details.

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I would like to provide some background information about some changes we did in the transfer area. Attended transfer is all fine and we did not touch it; however for the blind transfer we felt that the blind transfer had to be improved.


The overall problem with the blind transfer is that it might fail. That is very unsatisfactory for the one who called into the system. The one who initiates the transfer must know if the transfer failed, and if that is the case the call should not be just disconnected (callers thrown out of the system), but the call should get back somehow. If you want, the PBX is overlooking the blind transfer and if something goes wrong make sure that the call does not get lost. The answer is to use a temporary conference where the transferer is part of that conference until the call is successfully transferred, especially the transferer can hear if there is a ringback tone after the transfer and then get out of the conference. I believe that is a huge improvement compared to the situation when you never know if the transfer worked or not.


Maybe we should involve the marketing department. They might propose to rename the blind transfer to automatic transfer, because there is a machine (the PBX) taking care about the details.

Hi, Great feature!

But we have noticed when doing a "automatic"transfer to a agent group the one who transfers get "stuck" until someone answers.. We had to downgrade to to fix that.

Maybe there should be a setting for this or if possible some rule that it handles a blind transfer the "old" way if a agent group is the destination.

// Kalle

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But we have noticed when doing a "automatic"transfer to a agent group the one who transfers get "stuck" until someone answers.. We had to downgrade to to fix that.

Maybe there should be a setting for this or if possible some rule that it handles a blind transfer the "old" way if a agent group is the destination.


Sounds like a bug to me. One step forward, one step back... Hopefully it was one bigstep forward and one small step back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BTW, the person who transfers the call can just hangup before the call is answered. In that case it will still behave like before.

We got a prompt that said something like "This is not possible at the moment" before it hanged up. Doesn't remember more and we downgraded to 1030. Will try next version and get back to you then.

// Kalle

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