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pbx support

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Everything posted by pbx support

  1. Assigning DID is very simple. Edit each account and set the DID on the "Account Number(s)" field separated with a space. Ex: 4001 19787462777 (if you want to assign 19787462777 to extension 4001)
  2. Are you sure this is with just the Soundstation or any other phone? Did you verify the PBX whether you are blocking toll free numbers?
  3. Not being able to change the IP address was a bug in the software. Please download/update the CS410 to http://pbxnsip.com/cs410/update-
  4. Please try http://pbxnsip.com/cs410/update-
  5. If you are using PnP, then then you should have see the PBX address book on the phone.
  6. Currently, you can add static registrations to those engineers extensions. http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Manual_Registration In V4.0 we are adding complete the support for cellphone via the hunt groups and acds similar to that of the extension.
  7. There is partial support for the external numbers for the ACD and hunt groups. But you can always have a static/manual registration for the agents with their cell phone numbers. In the 4.0 you will have the full support for the cellphone/external number.
  8. One thing is to make sure that the DID you assigned is the same as the one you receive from the carrier. A SIP log will tell you the details (whether you are receiving 7,10 or 11 digits on the incoming call)
  9. Are you looking for a new account type, in addition to extension, acd, hunt, etc?
  10. We have tried with SoundPoint 7000 and it seem to work fine with PnP. But this seems to use different sip.ld (firmware files) than other Polycoms phones. Is it possible to plug this phone in the main office and see whether you still have the issue? That way we can verify this is a login issue not the firmware issue.
  11. Please set the "country code" under the "Domain->Settings"page and "Rewrite global numbers" to "Check domain country code" under trunk page. You can play with these 2 fields to satisfy what bandwidth.com needs.
  12. Please PM to support@pbxnsip.com if you need a Win32 version
  13. I see the point. But I think if we setup the PAC to monitor only those extensions that they are supposed to, your problem will be automatically taken care of.
  14. Yes. PAC is currently behind on some of the permission related topics. We will fix them in the future releases
  15. We do a exact match today. But we can update the software to make use of country code and area code to match either 7/10/11 digits (US)
  16. Why can't you put exactly the same thing that you would receive from the carrier? If the carrier sends 7 digits, then put 7 digits on the cell field. If they send 10 digits then put 10 digits. AFAIK, carriers won't change this (7 or 10 digits) on every call.
  17. Win32: http://pbxnsip.com/protect/pbxctrl- Please let's know if you needed build for other OS
  18. Ok. Let's find out if you pickup a regular phone (not a pbx extension) and dial 92603200, whether the call goes through. If not find out what number, if dial, works. Then let's make the PBX to dial out the same number. You can also try clearing out the country code and the area code and just using the dial plan to control what goes out on the trunk.
  19. Let's try to clear the confusion here by understanding basics of SF 1. If you are using 24 hr clock, do not specify the "A" or "P" represent AM/PM. So, 18:00P will be invalid, use 18:00 or 6:00P. 2. If you want the start time to be 12:01 after noon, please use either 12:01 or 0:01P 3. If the current time falls within the SF time range, you will see the flag "CLEAR", otherwise it will show "SET" 81 -> 6:00-12:00 82 -> 12:01-18:00 (or 0:01P-6:00P) 83 -> 18:01-23:59 (or you know it by now ) 84 -> 0:00-5:59
  20. Can you please email to support@pbxnsip.com with the /etc/sipfxo.conf file?
  21. Looks like you have some old button lists in the system. Please check out the "button_lists" folder under the PBX install directory. If the "name" field is empty in any of those files within that directory, that can cause this issue. You can delete those files and the problem should go away. You may have to restart the PBX.
  22. Maybe you can try http://pbxnsip.com/protect/pbxctrl-centos5- for CentOS.
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