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Posts posted by pbxuser911

  1. so the call comes into the AA, you press 1 (which is the user input) which goes to a hunt group (lets say 70) that has 3 stages, then the final stage goes to hunt group 2 which also have 3 stages and final stage goes to hunt group 3 whioch also has 3 stages and the final destination is an external number

    what version do you run in the lab?

  2. Anyone on here knows anyone who is using openser, AKA Kamailio ?

    Were thinking of using it instead of paying 50K for a nextone switch


    your input would be greatly appreciated

  3. I set up on a different domain the a setup which also goes from hunt group 1 with 3 stages and final destination to hunt group 2 with 3 stages and final destination to hunt group 3 with 3 stages and final destination is an external number and it worked fine as long as that when the auto attendant answers i manually type in the first hunt groups account number,

    but if when the auto attendant answer i select option 7 which is the "user input" field and the "destination" is the first hunt group, then it disconnects the call after 1 minute and 20 seconds and the log file says "Too many redirection loops"


    the customer is already waiting for 24 hours with this issue, how long could it take to get resolved? I'm thinking instead of adding 1 hunt group to go into another hunt group to go into another hunt group etc

    is it possible to have a + button after the first 3 stages and it will allow me to add another stage, then pressing + will allow another stage this way i can add 9 stages and keep it all in 1 hunt group?

  4. is this a bug or a error on my end?

    like i said before, i did change the max_loop to 100, and i still get the error, in the previous post i uploaded a jpeg file of what the hunt groups in question look like


    the call comes into a AA and when pressing option 1 it goes to the 1st hunt group and then you can see the rest of the pattern

    but after 1 Minute and 22 seconds approximately, i get disconnected

  5. Client requested to have 3 hunt groups, because he wants 9 steps before a number reaches final destination (his answering service)

    So I set it up that final destination of the first hunt group is to the 2nd, 2nd to the 3rd, 3rd to final destination (answering service), only to realize that the call hangs up after about 7 or 8 steps, and in the log file I get too many loops


    I did set the max_loop on the PBX_XML to 30, why is it still hanging up?

  6. I want to be able to take all CDR's and save it to a file on my server, then at midnight ill have a script that will email it to me

    i want the files to be saved based on the day date

    i want to be able to see on which domain that call was on, who made the call, who did that person call, which extension was it, etc

    it seems as the regular nightly CDR's email doesnt always email all domains, sometimes i miss emails from some domains, the next night from others


    i figured having it save to a txt file, or excell format, then have it emailed to me, might be a better idea. what do you experts think?

  7. more info on setting you EFK from https://www.8774e4voip.com/kb.asp?ID=42


    Park and Page for Switchvox/Asterisk using Polycom phones with Enhanced Feature Keys

    Last Updated: 10/2/2008



    To use this example you must have:






    Enhanced Feature Key Additions in RED






    Example Assumes that the park Ext is 700 and the paging EXT is 222


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <reginfo> <reg reg.1.displayName="Lab 650" reg.1.address="101" reg.1.label="101" reg.1.auth.userId="101" reg.1.auth.password="101" reg.1.lineKeys="6" reg.1.server.1.address="" reg.1.server.1.expires="120" reg.1.server.1.expires.lineSeize="30" reg.1.server.1.port="5060" reg.1.server.1.register="1" reg.1.server.1.retryMaxCount="" reg.1.server.1.retryTimeOut="" reg.1.server.1.transport="DNSnaptr" reg.1.server.2.transport="DNSnaptr" reg.1.thirdPartyName="" reg.1.type="private" /> <msg msg.bypassInstantMessage="1"> <mwi msg.mwi.1.callBack="899" msg.mwi.1.callBackMode="contact" msg.mwi.1.subscribe="" msg.mwi.2.callBack="" msg.mwi.2.callBackMode="disable" msg.mwi.2.subscribe="" msg.mwi.3.callBack="" msg.mwi.3.callBackMode="disabled" msg.mwi.3.subscribe="" msg.mwi.4.callBack="" msg.mwi.4.callBackMode="disabled" msg.mwi.4.subscribe="" msg.mwi.5.callBack="" msg.mwi.5.callBackMode="disabled" msg.mwi.5.subscribe="" msg.mwi.6.callBack="" msg.mwi.6.callBackMode="disabled" msg.mwi.6.subscribe=""></mwi> </msg> <efk> <version efk.version="2" /> <efklist efk.efklist.1.mname="callpark" efk.efklist.1.status="1" efk.efklist.1.label="Call Park" efk.efklist.1.use.idle="1" efk.efklist.1.use.active="1" efk.efklist.1.use.alerting="1" efk.efklist.1.use.dialtone="1" efk.efklist.1.use.proceeding="1" efk.efklist.1.use.setup="1" efk.efklist.1.action.string="700$Trefer$$Cpause3$222" /> </efk> <softkey softkey.1.label="Park" softkey.1.action="700$Trefer$$Cpause3$222" softkey.1.enable="1" softkey.1.precede="" softkey.1.use.idle="" softkey.1.use.active="1" softkey.1.use.alerting="" softkey.1.use.dialtone="" softkey.1.use.proceeding="" softkey.1.use.setup="" softkey.1.use.hold="" softkey.feature.newcall="1" softkey.feature.endcall="0" softkey.feature.split="1" softkey.feature.join="1" softkey.feature.forward="1" softkey.feature.directories="" softkey.feature.callers="" softkey.feature.mystatus="1" softkey.feature.buddies="1" softkey.feature.basicCallManagement.redundant="0"/> </reginfo>

  8. I'm wondering if there is a way to see the configuration the PBX gives the Polycom phones when using PNP?

    and can we somehow edit the configuration so all Polycom phones that are provisioning using PNP will use the new configuration?

    there are plenty of things that we get requested from clients but we tell them sorry we cant do it since PNP doesn't get it done, if your going to ask why am i even using PNP? is because A) what else can i use? :( its easy to send a phone to a client and just tell them what they have to put into the phones menu and it automatically gets the configuration


    also why isn't the PBX Generating files based on the MAC address? instead just based on extension?

    Plenty time i want 1 MAC address to get 2 extension and another MAC address to only get 1 Extension provisioned on it, but with the way the PBX currently generates the files, all MAC using an Extension will get that Generated file


    I have seen several requests from users to add soft keys or make other changes to the configuration to the Polycom phones being provisioned using PNP but rarely see it get done


    What i realized is that you can do unbelievable plenty of things with the Polycom phones if you read up on it, and why should we be able to do it?

  9. Hi


    As some of you guys know that the Polycom IP Phones are capable of doing a lot more then the phone does when its being provisioned with PBXnSIP's PNP.

    so has anyone ever built their own files to provision the phones? and if yes, is it possible to just overwrite the main settings the phone gets from the PBX? i would like to add soft keys, get "applications" to work, etc. but still use the PBX to provision the extension, sip password, domain info etc?

  10. Or what else you can do is

    on the domain setting page you can set the country code to 1

    and on the trunk you can set the Rewrite global numbers to for NANPA (11 Digits)

    and the dialplan entry should be



    Trunk = Callcentric

    Pattern = **********

    Replacement =


    any 10 digit number dialed will go out on the call centric trunk, and it will add the 1 in front of it


    Let me know if that works

  11. ok, i added the following codes, but it only shows the domain alias, not the full name

    also its extremely slow, the one i posted on top was much quicker


    # Show the passwords of all users:
    function get_xml()
     gawk -v tag=$1 'BEGIN{regex="<" tag ">([^<]*)</" tag ">";}{ match($0, regex, m); for(i = 1;; i++) { if(!(i in m)) break; printf("%s\n",m[i]);}}' $2
    for user in users/*.xml
     name=${user:6} # only the name
     idx=${name%.xml} # only the number
     type=$(get_xml type $user)
     if [ "$type" == extensions ]; then
    id=$(get_xml id $user)
    primary=$(get_xml alias $user)
    	domain=$(get_xml domain user_alias/$primary.xml)
    	for d in domain_alias/*.xml
    	  dom=$(get_xml domain $d)
    	  if [ -z "$dom" -a "$dom" == "$domain" ]; then
    		domain_name=$(get_xml name $d)
    dialplan=$(get_xml dial_plan $user)
    if [ -z "$dialplan" ]; then
      plan=$(get_xml name dial_plan/$dialplan.xml)
    password=$(get_xml password extensions/$id.xml)
    pin=$(get_xml mb_pin extensions/$id.xml)
    username=$(get_xml name user_alias/$primary.xml)
    if [ -z "$pin" ]; then
      echo $domain $username $password \($plan\)
      echo $domain $username $password \($plan\) [$pin]

  12. it works that it rings my desk phone when I try to call someone from my contacts list from outlook

    But as soon as I pick up my desk phone it disconnects the call,

    And in the PBX I see the call is coming from (the dialed number) to (my extension)


    What I want to do, and what I thought this does, is when I click to call someone from my outlook contacts list, my desk phone will ring, once I pick it up It will then ring the dialed party

    how do i do that?

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