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Everything posted by mattlandis

  1. First I wasn't asking for free, but what do other pro's use when getting a commercial softphone. I sense you are not an over big fan of the softphone but a lot of those arguments are a little bit weak to say softphone are not valid. Examples: email can send attatchements too, almost any software can access the local and network file system, and what software isn't network-enabled? Also, where is the link to that trojan phone? (not the wikipedia article) Now I want that thing! ;-) take care matt
  2. I know that pbxnsip recommends x-lite as a softphone to be used for use with their phone server. I just noticed on: http://www.counterpath.com/xlite-comparison.html The X-lite says: "X-Lite may only be used for personal use. It may not be used for commercial purposes." What do others do? Is there another recommended softphone? We are very careful with licensing at our company so this presents a problem. (hopefully I'm missing something) The commercial edition really is just $15USD so not terrible. Matt
  3. i just wanted to post how to make this work (thanks Pradeep!) You need to set the "Log Watch List (IP)" to the IP address(es) that you want to see, and the log level in the "Log Watch List", choose 7 log level = 7. Set all the "Sip Logging" to NO. (i know--it doesn't make sense to me either ;-) But then you have anice SIP packet capture. It work GREAT. Matt
  4. chuckle on comment on the loud, 19" rack...We just had a barracuda web filter in here---ROURRRRRRR-WHRRRRRRRR Incidentally they now make a 19" phone appliance which i'm sure rhourrs too. I get what you say about the form factor 100%. I agree that a small 19" thing would be great. (set on a shelf or mount in a rack equally would be best) I also agree that the cleaning person could easily unplug! I would probably intentionally put it in a plug on the rack or data shelf. Matt
  5. Those familiar with the plugcomptuer version of pbxnsip. Does it have the dhcp server like cs410? Any other gotchas? Matt
  6. odbc IS that open channel... Matt
  7. Once again, your talking mySQL and we are talking Microsoft SQL. Have you taken a look at MS SQL? Just want to make sure we are on the same page. take care, Matt
  8. -email2db=it costs $300 (cheapest version) -another thing to config -another thing to keep working -not realtime Just some thots, matt
  9. Where is the text file? In pbxnsip folder or something? Matt
  10. If there is no mySQL then make it go into MS SQL. There is a free edition. It is a standard. My Opinion. matt
  11. Alright, i hated to complain too much, but I agree that the help files would look much better if "white label-able". Matt
  12. I think Pradeep went over this with me on the phone but i didn't write it down...I would agree with you. It does seem a little brittle. matt
  13. We are using: https://www.pbxnsipsupport.com/index.php?_m...kbarticleid=437 I'm doing the "Solution with Public and Private IP Address" for the first time! ;-) Anybody have what windows IP settings should look like? Matt
  14. Yeah, i've been trying that on v3.2, v3.4 and v4.0 and none seem to filter out JUST the IP i'm after... I guess I need a sanity check. We plan to have a call with support. thanks, Matt
  15. okay, how do i test Trunk CDR Call Metrics? I'm looking at cdr text file and see no difference? sorry to be so dense, Matt
  16. How do i set logging so i only see the SIP events of one IP? It seems like either I see all SIP or none. tx Matt
  17. i think they got their ducks kinda in a row now... just so i don't pass bad info.. matt
  18. Okay, I just want to say that Sonicwalls can work. When I have some time I will post our findings on exactly how to set them up that they work. hey Mads, how long ago was that sonicwall meeting? tx Matt
  19. i'm not expert on cs410---but isn't there a setting on the fxo--something about wait longer to answer/ring longer to get caller id safely? very foggy in my mind... Matt
  20. I want to do exactly this. I am being told I need to setup this at the SIP trunk level. That doesn't sound right to me...Do I need to set this up on pbxnsip AND the sip trunk vendor? Seems this should be simple but i'm confused now, Matt
  21. automatic blacklisting is going to cause a lot of service requests... matt
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