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Everything posted by mattlandis

  1. Hello, I'm not SOAP knowledgeable--but I wanted to know if soap exposes all of pbxnsip objects or just some? For example: we wanted to write a windows form app to administrate pbxnsip? tx matt
  2. Has anyone used one of these? (I know about http://wiki.sangoma.com/wanpipe-windows-nbe-pbxnsip.) Are the FXS's useable to pbxnsip? tx matt
  3. Hamlet, What did you use for the "base station" ? What kind of range did you see? We need to get rugged phones and 1/4mi range. tx matt
  4. I'm curious if anyone has a speaker/Horn they've used with the CS410 audio port? I'm not sure what I can plug in that thing that has some ooomf... matt
  5. which version is it fixed in? tx matt
  6. Hello, Sometimes when designing or debugging call flow (goto this auto attending, then during xx time goto this hunt group, then blah blah) I feel like i'm clicking all over just to check this flag/hunt groups/auto attendent. Wouldn't it be really convenient to have a somewhat layout view of call flow (simple version of viso diagram) that hovering the mouse would show details of accounts and clicking would popup the edit window for that account? Even a simpler version that would be helpful is if you could jump from an auto attendent say, to the service flag for it...(or even hover mouse to see details) (i find myself writing down account numbers...which in this modern age seems really funny) JUst some wild ideas from someone spending way to much time thinking about phones, matt
  7. hey, don't forget to make the monitoring page look REAALLLY flashy... (i know you guys hate flash, but techies like nice gui's...;-) matt
  8. I have this same problem that blacklisting seems to not do anything... i'm using a cell phone and calling into pbxnsip... the cell phone is on an address book because the name i gave the number shows on the snom's caller id display.... i set the extension to "Reject" and it just rings.... matt
  9. That would be great. Matt
  10. Good idea. I've mentioned that too... matt
  11. I agree with "fax included these days..." matt
  12. But how do you copy a file to the cs410? is there a method thru the web interface? i know nothin about linux... matt
  13. Hello, I have a customer who wants to see the caller id caller_name AND the caller_number. We use snom 360 phones and I can't see a very reasonable way to even get it! ;-) (they need to write it down to get it to someone else...no computers are invovled) #1-i can't seem to see a way to get it when on the call... #2-after the call it is quite a few keystrokes...press the snom "calls" button > select "recieved calls" > press "check" > press "more info" button > press "number" and now the number is encoded in "sip:blah blalh" so you need to scroll (laboriorsly) back and forth! ;-) Am I really missing something simple? i'm sure i must be... THANKS! matt
  14. I once again had to change one field on all extensions...boy that is a scourge! ;-) there really needs to be a solution to that. What if we had a Mass Edit screen that would consist of: extension numbers you want to edit: (allow us to type in extensions) 40 41 42 43 etc. Phone Setting to Change: (all phone extension fields in a drop down) New Phone Setting: (allow us to type in new setting) Button to go ahead Wouldn't this be realtively simple? Or am i missing some way to do that already? tx guys matt
  15. Hello, I have a weird problem with a snom m3 on pbxnsip v3.4. (windows) When I call another extension from the m3 I cannot hear the other person. If they call the m3, I can. (its very consistent) snom m3 fw 0202 provisioned using pbxnsip recommended way... tx matt
  16. Hello, #1- HOw do we change audio prompts? I see http://kiwi.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Localization but not very clear. Do we just copy prompt into a folder called audio_XX where XX is language? #2-HOw do we change the prompts in the cs410? (i know nothing about linux...well, basically nothing...tx ;-) tx matt
  17. i'm very familiar with sip.multicast.net being turned on and it is. The step you missed is that i seem to need to type the http username and password in? had to do that on our own system when going to 3.4...i don't think we should need to because not touchless... matt
  18. Thanks Moishe. appreciate that input. matt
  19. I have a small prospect/suspect that is a fax machine addict. Mitel was touting "net faxing". Faxing from one fax machine in house to another fax machine....i suspect via an ATA that is t.38 or something... Anyone know if this will work solidly? I would probably use the Patton MATA... Of course they want to "share the pstn line with the fax machine" senario too...hmmm matt
  20. Hello, I will add i just setup a cs410 and could not get multicast pnp to work. I finally just typed in the server address into the snom phones... matt
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