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Everything posted by mattlandis

  1. Did you get the steps to provision the linksys 941/942? Does anyone know if this link actually works? https://pbxnsipsupport.com/index.php?_m=kno...kbarticleid=426 I'm hoping not to spend the day trying to figure this out. (I already don't like this phone ;-) Matt
  2. no problem. It would be nice to know new features to test. Matt
  3. exact same results for me. must only work on 32bit. That's what it's called. I have win7 ent. 64bit. Matt
  4. let me try it on my laptop for you Moishe... matt
  5. win 2000?! ouch! ;-) I wouldn't burn too many resources trying... ;-) Matt
  6. Q1 - extension Q2 - only way i would know is through trunk...but i could be wrong Matt
  7. mattlandis

    CDR to SQL

    bump TOP: any progress on this tool? keep me up-to-date. I'll blog/promote it. matt
  8. a button to JUST restart the service would make my life easier. Could it be considered? I battled and battled for this over at the --name removed-- phone system forum and it was finally put in the product with an outpouring of thanks from the partners and admins. Admittedly that system required many more services restarted (thats all I'll allow myself to say ;-) With pbxnsip this is one of the few reasons you need to RDP into a server. Give it some thought. A "restart service now" button would be great. A "restart server now" would be great. This delayed restart till no calls in progress is good idea, but just restart sometime in next 15 minutes is kinda strange? Most good appliances have a "restart now" button. take care Matt
  9. that is a good point. you could make one button toggle the state. my guess is there is some downside...would same cases it be ambigous what your intention is? thinking out loud Matt
  10. Thanks for that clarification. It sounds like next occassion means "on the quarter hour". I didn't test it...i have a hard time waiting on anything!! ;-) #1-So, to clarify, this is JUST restarting the pbxnsip SERVICE? #2-is this designed to work on mac, linux AND windows? ;-) thanks for clarification...take care matt
  11. when i try to park a call it just ring MY phone. (call attendent extension) I"m using an xlite. Is this working for others? Please verify for me. tx matt
  12. >I was most interested in multiple registrations of the same identity Yup, me too. I wouldn't see a benefit to register to same pbx twice for call handling...frankly multiple identities gets complicated quick. i avoid if possible. Matt
  13. i just saw someone searched for "pbxnsip 2010" on blog. That name looked pretty good. ;-) okay, sorry for all the suggestions matt
  14. One thing to watch for with multiple identities on one phone--when you change the identity it also changes the phone buttons to that identity. If the buttons are different---you get a support call! ;-) The reason we use multiple identities is often for goup voicemail. maybe theres a better way to do it... take care matt
  15. bill--i see what your saying! i know what i want to click up there so not much problem for me...but i can understand the issue...(for me the contract isn't to terrible) matt
  16. i'm on build (Win32) and the user interface keeps getting GOOD little tweaks. I'm very impressed by the direction of the UI. I will make a few small suggestions for UI enhancements: -Settings > Configurations :To backup the pbx it say "CLICK HERE" in text. Why not have a nice, blue button that says "Backup"? -also on the same subject the save and restore kind of confusingly run into each other. Would it make sense to have Save/Backup section then a Restore section? -Also on the same screen I highly recommend an explanation of the "reboot on next occasion" --what is the "next ocassion? that is very cryptic. Perhaps the german isn't translating quite right? -Also i think there should be an option to "reboot now" (assuming this just reboots the pbxnsip service) I'm very impressed by the advances being made. Especially in the new attendent console. Really, really good work guys. pbxnsip is pbx we can sell and count on. Matt
  17. would be nice so we can see what to test... that new attendent console is nice. some of my thots: http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/2010/03/pbx...-attendent.html thanks Matt
  18. how about use a service flag on the hunt group? Matt
  19. mattlandis


    That is good stuff! Good work. Will there be a web portal place to see it? Matt
  20. I was wondering the same thing... Matt
  21. my opinon is that it would be okay to stop supporting old technology...but it should be planned and communicated...just my thot... Matt
  22. Hello, I've not implemented Exchange UM at all yet. We have a client that has 50 voicemail only employees (no phone extension) and 25 phone extension users. They would like to just get 25 pbxnsip licenses. Is it possible to have some extensions use pbxnsip voicemail and some exchange UM? (is that even possible?) The alternate would be have everyone on exchange vm. I was hearing issues with MWI. Any thots on this I'd like to hear. Matt
  23. hmm i installed fresh pbxnsip v4 on windows7...it went fine. i didn't even wait for that .net thing to install...hmmm Matt
  24. Did you backup the pbxnsip configuration before you did that? That is where you'd get that. Matt
  25. I'm not sure all the issues, but one will be if you have the phone set to dial after 3 digits automatically. (i always turn off autodialing--i just don't like it) Also on the autoattendent you may need to change digits. Those are two things I think of right off...probably more... Matt
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