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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Well open a ticket, give us access and we'll take a look.
  2. Vodia PBX

    CDR with CMC

    I still don't get it. We have cases where law firms need the CMC the CDR for accounting purposes, is that what you are looking for?
  3. Vodia PBX

    CDR with CMC

    Do you only want to get the CDR for a specific CMC code? For example what you could do is just write all CDR into a CSV file in the file system and then use a editor to get the records you are looking for.
  4. Maybe a firewall problem or something else. You can as well do the upgrade manually, take a look at the content of http://vodia.com/downloads/snomONE/version-5.2.5.xml you need to download the right executable and the other non-executable files, especially the .dat file and place them with the right name in the PBX working directory. 5.2.4 might have some problems with older Windows versions, better use the 5.2.5 images.
  5. If there is a upfront amount, then the first billing unit will not be charged. It essentially replaces the price for the first minute. "0.00" is seen as a non-empty field entry, even though the mathematical value is 0 and that is why the PBX uses that amount for charging the first minute. If you don't want a connection fee, then just leave the field empty: "USA,1,0.05,30". This might be debatable, however it makes it possible to keep the first period free of charges and only charge later periods.
  6. Yes, that should work. Did you modify any pages (check the html and the webpages folder)? That is a common problem with upgrades that page modifications are conflicting with newer content.
  7. Definitively upgrade to 5.2.5, as we have changed a couple of things in scope of the Freshbooks billing.
  8. Actually the phone can control that better than the PBX. Mostly depending on the phone type, you will have a superior transfer experience or a bad one. Adding a settings for this is problematic, as it will be in the wrong position most of the times, generating support and frustration...
  9. Usually the problem is that your license has exceeded the number of domains. I don't think that this is a problem with the web interface.
  10. As I suspected you have downloaded the image but the link points to the wrong executable. Try: mv pbxctrl pbxctrl-link mv pbxctrl-centos* pbxctrl The cross fingers and ./pbxctrl --version
  11. If you want to ever be able to upgrade the PBX from the web interface, the executable name must be pbxctrl (hack, hack). I would suggest just renaming (mv in Linux) the exe to pbxctrl and edit the script accordingly. I suspect that there are several pbxctrl* files, and you end up using the wrong one. A "ls" would show the picture.
  12. Well the name should not contain a .exe at the end then. Maybe you accidentally go the Windows build?
  13. Well we did some work in the area. However the mail problem as far as I remember was that most VoIP phones imply don't support this kind of transfer and if the PBX does not immediately disconnect the call, things get screwed up on the phone.
  14. Hmm what link did you use for the download? What ever it does it should not seg fault. You can manually try the image with pbxctrl --version that will just show the version number and exit.
  15. Well the browser call should actually work better than before. Does it make a different which browser you are running, version-wise? The WebRTC area is quite dynamic, right now. We moved away from the SDES to DTLS which is a big step, and with each big step unfortunately there is the risk of a couple of steps back. Maybe you can tell us what exact version you are running so that we can investigate what the issue could be.
  16. ACK. We have just made a new build for 5.2.5 (CentOS64, Win64/32, snom/Vodia mini 1/2/3, Debian64/32, FreeBSD64) just upgrade again and the problem should be gone. CentOS32 is currently down, needs to be restarted manually.
  17. Static extremely loud noise is usually a problem with SRTP. Actually there was a fix with SRTP related to multiple responses where it was not clear what key should be used; maybe that screwed something up we have to check that.
  18. Vodia PBX


    We have built 5.2.5 for most operating systems, including Windows 32/64-bit, CentOS64/32, Debian64/32, FreeBSD64, MacOS and the mini variants. Full release notes are available at http://www.vodia.com/documentation/releasenotes525 as usual. The Windows installers is still missing, we will provide this in the next few days. This is the first major release since August 2014. As you can see from the release notes, it covers a lot of topics and this is, as usual, the best release we have ever made! Fortunately we did not have to make any emergency builds because of security glitches, even though in the past month there were several milestone security hazards found (which did not affect the Vodia PBX). A feature that stresses our commitment to the service providers for hosted PBX is the addition for Freshbooks billing. This makes it now a lot easier and a lot more reliable to generate monthly invoices to clients. After all, billing is not a "sexy" topic, however it bring in the money which is an absolute necessity for the successful operation of hosted PBX services. If you upgrade, please use the opportunity to make a backup of your working directory in case that you feel the desire to revert back to your previous version.
  19. It is available now: http://vodia.com/downloads/snomONE/version-5.2.4d.xml
  20. In the domain settings (dom_settings.htm) there is section From/To Headers. Set the "Change names in To/From-headers" to "No".
  21. I can think about several options here. First there is a way of "trunk-to-trunk" routing, where the PBX passes calls through the system from one trunk to another. The typical scenario for this would be a multi-national company that has local PSTN breakouts that the different offices are using to save phone costs. The other option that I can think about is a flag in the domain that instructs the PBX to leave the To/From headers as they are. That gives the registered Panasonic PBX the chance the see where the call was going to. Having a hundred or a thousand DID is no problem for the PBX. I would use a text editor to make the editing easier instead of punching them one by one into the input field in the web interface: First edit the text or CSV file, then re-format everything into one line and copy & paste it into the web browser.
  22. Looks like we found the problem. Actually the problem was not a compiler problem, it was that we were using a (not really needed) Win API function that was not available in Windows Server 2008. We have fixed that issue; if you like please upgrade to 5.2.4d ( http://vodia.com/downloads/snomONE/version-5.2.4d.xml ) which is available for Win32 and Win64. It might even work on Windows XP again; we were not able to try that out.
  23. I checked, it is currently offline. We'll try to get it online tomorrow and spin a new build. The last build available is 5.2.4.
  24. If this is a single domain deployment, make sure that you have the name "localhost" in the list of domain alias names.
  25. We will continue making builds for the various minis; it is just those intermediate builds that we do ad-hoc. 5.2.5 will include it. If you look in the web interface on the status page, it tells you what mini version it is. If it says Debian, it is the Debian otherwise it is the Angstrom.
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