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Mass changes to extension settings


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Well you can do only things that you can set from the web interface. The options for "cw" are "false", "internal", "external".

To set other settings, the easiest is to take a look at the PBX web page and then open the web browser inspector - there you will see the name of the parameters that are sent to the PBX. I know this is not very convenient but as stated before, it is very powerful.

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Modification on the above example:

extensions,123,false,0 8 9

Numbers 0, 8 and 9 are for codecs G711U, G711A, G722 respectively. 

And this is how we found out the answer to your question so that you can find it  by yourself faster next time. All this comes from "inspect element" on google chrome as mentioned earlier.


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Thank you,
Honestly, I found all the voices I needed except for the one about codecs.
it's a rather cumbersome system :)Hi thanks to you I was able to get the csv with the settings that I needed,
The only thing I can't find is how to associate only the G711A/G711U codecs to all the csv extensions,
How can I do that?

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It's not cumbersome at all, once you get to know your way around it like we explained above (which was the first time for us as well).

You will have to use the same setting given above for all the extensions. So just create a huge csv file with these settings which includes all of your extensions. Giving you an eg. again for only those 2 codecs.

extensions,123,0 8

extensions,234,0 8

extensions,456,0 8




extensions,xxx,0 8

You can keep finding the new variables that you want to change (as explained before via image)and keep adding or modifying this for all extensions that you want all in one go.

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