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Stress Testing


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thats how i load test.


I should add that later on i get this message from pbxnsip:


The call from sip:99@xxxxxxx.com:5060 to

sip:sipp@xxxxxxx.com:5069 has been disconnected because of media timeout (120 seconds), 0/6000 packets have been received/sent


i feel like im missing something in my scenario to disconneced the rtp stream correctly.

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I should add that later on i get this message from pbxnsip:


The call from sip:99@xxxxxxx.com:5060 to

sip:sipp@xxxxxxx.com:5069 has been disconnected because of media timeout (120 seconds), 0/6000 packets have been received/sent


i feel like im missing something in my scenario to disconneced the rtp stream correctly.


Maybe you have to turn "strict RTP" routing on. I believe that test tools don't have to be very NAT-friendly, so the PBX gets one-way audio.

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